Chapter 33

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Chapter 33




"Alexander, you need to relax. I told you."

"This is pointless! I don't have any magic!" I yelled, throwing the chunk of ice.

We've been huddled up in this little room for two days now, and I have not managed to do a single thing. At first, we started with trying to make little snow flurries in my hands, and when that was unsuccessful, he tried giving me ice to melt. Even in that simple task, I was still completely unsuccessful. I was frustrated beyond belief.

I get it! I won't accidentally freeze Aurelia, or stab her with an icicle. I'm not afraid of it anymore, so I don't understand why I can't do anything.

"Your fears are prohibiting you."

"I'm not afraid anymore!" I seethed, not angry at him but at myself.

He paused to think for a moment before snapping his fingers as the lightbulb went off in his head. "I know why you cannot do it."

"Why? Because I'm a failure?"

"No, because you miss the Princess."

"Well, I mean, you don't really need a genius to figure that one out." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Her absence is distracting you."

"Well can you blame me? We were terrorized for a year by some darkness, broken apart, I had to watch her get murdered, attended her funeral, and then had to watch her leave after I just got her back!" I let all my frustration taint my voice.

Will just watched me with sympathy, while my eyes watered with angry tears. I harshly wiped at them as the events of the past few months started to swirl around me and choke me mercilessly. "It was just a lot, okay?" I turned around, embarrassed that he had seen my moment of weakness.

"I know I cannot begin to understand what the two of you went through, and I am sure nothing I say will make you feel better, but that is all in the past. She is safe now, and she will be alright. You will see her again very soon."

"That's not good enough. I need her now." I whined, not caring that I sounded like a spoiled child. "I need her."

"My Prince, you need to train."

"I can't. Not without her. I won't stop thinking about her.

He sighed in defeat before he started heading towards the door. "I will inform the Queen that we will be headed to the 13th Kingdom. Go pack some things and I shall meet you in the portal room in one hour.

I let out a breath of relief, and sped through the corridors to my room. I felt only slightly bad. I know he really wanted me to train here, where I'd be at my strongest, but I just can't do it. Everything we went through has me traumatized. I can't close my eyes without seeing her bloody body in my arms. I can't think about anything else except if she's okay and if she's happy. I'm not going to be able to focus when she plagues my mind. Only when I have her safe and sound next to me, and I know for sure she's okay, will I be able to concentrate.

Not exactly knowing what to pack, I just threw some of my princely attire into a large white satchel thing. I had asked Will before if any of my icy snow clothes would melt when they left the Kingdom, but he informed me that it's magic, so it won't melt. I still don't have any of my personal belongings from home, and everything here is from when I was a child, so I just left with my clothes.

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