Chapter 41

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Chapter 41




"Oh God, I can't do this. I'm gonna hurl." Aurelia nervously paced back and forth in her bedroom.

"Petal, you'll be fine. We'll be fine." I tried to reassure her.

Today is the day.

The day we are officially being introduced to our Kingdoms as the future King and Queen, and as the prophesied saviors. Today is the day we begin the long awaited merging of our Kingdoms.

I can't deny that I'm nervous, too. The idea of standing before thousands of people, from two different Kingdoms, who I'm supposed to combine through marriage and rule someday, is a lot daunting. I'm definitely handling my nerves better than my 'future Queen', though.

"I'm not good with crowds. Animals? Yes. People? No. Also, I lied. I am terrified for the public speaking part. I did terrible in all my speech classes and I've always been so awkward and shy, how am I supposed to run a country, how am I supposed to talk to people I'm supposed to rule someday? How can I-"

"Rel, relax." I cut her off from her one breath rant. "You'll be great. The Kingdoms love you already." I walked over to her, pulling her in my arms. I didn't realize how badly she was shaking until she was pressed against my body.

"But what if-"

"No. No, 'what ifs', everything will go smoothly."

Before either of us could say anything else, a knock on the door echoed into the room.

"Come in." I answered for Aurelia, since she was too busy trying not to hyperventilate.

The Queen gracefully walked into the room, immediately catching the eyes of the nervous Princess. "My flower, what is wrong?"

"I can't do this, Grandma Daisy." She murmured, tucking her head into my chest.

Queen Alena's face scrunched with confusion as she met my eyes. "The Princess is a little nervous."

Her face melted into understanding. She walked towards us, gesturing to some chairs in the corner of Aurelia's room. "I think the three of us need to have a chat."

We both listened to her request, sitting down in the chairs across from her.

"On the day of my coronation, I was a nervous wreck myself."

"Really?" Aurelia and I both spoke at the same time, letting our shock seep through.

"Indeed." She nodded. "Your Grandfather was the Prince, and I was merely a seamstress. I was always requested to bring my work directly to the castle, which I found strange. Usually soldiers would come to the village to collect merchandise for the royals. Little did I know, the Prince had snuck out one day, wandering through the village past my mothers shop. He was instantly smitten with me, and from that day on, my presence was requested in the castle."

"You weren't born into royalty? I never knew this." Aurelia stared at her grandmother in awe.

"I always assumed it was because the royal family admired my work, which is why I never questioned being appointed the personal seamstress for the Prince. I grew up oblivious to his loving stares, and kind gestures. I always just thought he was a kind man, and a generous ruler. After years of working in the castle, he finally snapped, proclaiming his love for me." She chuckled, thinking back to the beginning of their relationship. "To say I was shocked would be an understatement. However, I was more than giddy on the inside, for I had secretly fallen in love with the Prince, but was too afraid to say it out loud. A common seamstress marrying a royal? It was an absurd thought, so I held my secret close."

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