Chapter 24

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Chapter 24




I just watched a man kill himself, and then disintegrate his body, shortly before doing the same to me. There is no denying it now. This is all very much real. I'm still in a deep state of shock, not entirely sure what to make of the situation.

However, there's one thing that makes sense, and it's the only thing that matters.


She's mine again. I can touch her, embrace her. I can feel her. After all the hell and torment we've been through, we can be together again.

I glanced over at her in awe, unable to keep the silly grin off my face. She met my eyes, causing her beautiful smile to brighten.

"Are you ready?" She asked me.

"I...don't really know. Are you?"

"I'm definitely intrigued. It'll be an adventure." She took my hand, and it was the most amazing feeling.

"An adventure with you sounds incredible."

"So, there are a few things you need to be aware of when we step into the portal." Harry interrupted us, reminding us to pay attention. "Usually if you have a destination in your minds eye, you can easily get to where you are going. However, none of you know where it is that we are headed. Do not let go of each others hands."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I joked, squeezing Aurelia's fingers. She giggled, although, Harry didn't seem so amused.

"Very funny. But 'tis very important you do not lose your connection with me. We do not need anyone getting lost again."

"I am so very excited. I have not adventured in quite some time." Lindsey bounced, looking happier than I've ever seen her.

"I am glad." Harry nodded respectfully. "Now, join hands please." Harry looked at me expectantly, gesturing towards Lindsey's hand.

Once he was satisfied that the three of us were connected, he let light shoot out of his hands, forming some kind of a portal.

It was indescribable, something I couldn't have ever imagined. Golden light, shimmered into the form of a doorway. Specs of what looked like fairy dust, sparkled everywhere inside the lights. It looked like something out of a Disney film.

"Here we go." He grabbed Aurelia's free hand, and stepped through the portal. The chain of us was quickly pulled through.

I squeezed my eyes shut at first, feeling very nervous, but I was amazed once they opened.

We were falling. It was a feeling that was vaguely familiar to me, and by the look on Aurelia's face, I could tell she thought the same. The tunnel we were falling through was a gorgeous combination of golden yellows and blues, twisting in glimmering light. It was truly what you would think of when you envisioned a magical portal. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

"This is...wonderful!" I heard Lindsey shout over the loud, windy noises from our falling. It was a peaceful kind of falling. One that felt like you were flying, not where you were dropping to your doom.

"Wow." I heard Aurelia squeak beside me. I subconsciously squeezed her hand tighter, afraid I might lose her.

"We are almost there!" Harry slightly turned his head to yell towards us.

Within moments, it felt like we were standing again. The lights started to fade away, and with a single step, we were in a room I had never seen before.

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