Chapter 3

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Chapter 3




"Do it! Do it. Why haven't you done it yet? Are you doing it? Now are you doing it?"

"EVAN! Shut the hell UP!" I paused my pacing to chuck my water bottle at him.

"Jeez, watch it. You could've just killed me!" He shrieked.

"Oh, don't be so freaking dramatic." I huffed, plopping onto my bean bag chair. "This is hopeless." I slumped my shoulders.

"Who's being dramatic now?" I ignored his comment, staring down at my phone.

It's been hours since I left Times Square. Night has fallen, and I've still made no real attempt to contact Alex. I'm such a wimp.

"I can't do this!" I shot up, beginning my relentless pacing again. "What if this is a joke? What if it's some huge prank to make me look stupid?! I bet that's not even his real number! It's probably some embarrassing loser hotline for stupid people. I'll call it and it will tell me how stupid and ugly I am, and that I'll forever be alone. He's probably sitting at home, laughing to all his friends. Oh GOD." I gasped in horror. " I can never leave the house. I can't ever show my face again!" I fell face first onto my bed, out of breath from talking so fast. "My life is over!" I cried, sounding muffled from the mattress.

I felt the end of my bed sink in. "There, there, oh dramatic one." He patted my head.

I sat up abruptly, facing him. "It could be worse." I whispered, horrified. "He could be a huge jerk, or a player! Maybe he just wants to sleep with me and that's it! But, he seemed so sweet though. That's probably his trick! He probably sweet talks all the girls! Ugh, I'm such a fool!" I collapsed backwards. "I'm forever alone." I whimpered.

"Aurelia." He deadpanned.


"Just give the guy a chance. What's the worst that could happen? Actually, don't answer that." He added quickly, once he saw my mouth open.

"Ev, I just don't know what to do. I'm not good at this!" I whined, sitting back up. "I've only ever been on two dates in my entire life, and both the guys were complete jerks, and sexist pigs. I only had my first kiss two years ago, and haven't kissed a guy since!" I shuttered at the memory of how awful it was, too. "I've never been in a serious relationship, and I don't know what to do. Help me." I pleaded.

"Relly, I'm like your big brother. You know I would never push you to a guy if I didn't think he was going to be great for you." He sounded the most serious I think I've heard him all year. He's also right. He's always been highly protective of me. "You remember how much I hated those guys before. I knew they were bad news and you didn't listen." He scolded.

"Ok, Dad. Hates a strong word."

"But very much accurate to describe them."

"I guess I can't disagree with you there." I sighed in defeat. They were pretty awful guys.

"So listen to me now. I don't know why, but I have a really good feeling about this 'Alex' guy. Besides, you'll never know if you don't try." He patted my shoulder and gave me one of his award winning 'Chapman' smiles.

"You're right. I need to stop being a wimp and just call the guy." I nodded, sounding slightly more confident about the situation than I did five minutes ago.

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