Chapter 9

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Chapter 9




Okay, something in Alex has definitely changed, and I can't place what it is for the life of me.

He still tries to tell me that everything's fine, and that whatever is happening is something random. However, he acts like there is some evil darkness lurking in every corner, when he thinks I'm not paying attention. Whenever we're at either of our houses, everything has to be locked. Whenever we go out, he's constantly looking over his shoulder, and holding me tight, like something is out to get me.

I mean, I love him being all sweet and protective after everything that's happened, but he's driving himself mad. He's even started talking in his sleep, and said something about a ghost girl? Like, come on, weird things are happening, but ghosts now?

Tomorrow is August thirteenth, and I'm more nervous for it than I have ever been. Between him being almost beaten to death last month, and how weird he's been acting lately, it just seems like a recipe for disaster. With that being said, he kept true to his promise last month, and we're locking ourselves in my house from midnight tonight, to midnight tomorrow. What can happen to us if we're trapped in the safety of my own home?

"Alrighty, pizza is here, the kitchen is stocked with junk, we are ready for our lockdown." Evan strutted, literally, into the living room, holding a giant box of pizza. In addition to my parents, we thought it'd be a good idea for Evan to bunk with us too. All of the bad things have happened when us two were on our own, so having others here eased our minds a little.

"Sunflower, relax. We're gonna be fine." Alex chuckled, using my favorite nickname.

"Tell it to yourself, Hot Tea." I sneered playfully, gesturing to his bouncing knee.

"Fair enough." He shrugged, taking a slice of pizza.

"We seriously need to figure out what's going on." My voice was tight. I was not ready to let go of the conversation. Not when the clock was five minutes away from midnight.

"She's right though. Seeing all this bad stuff happening to you guys is starting to freak me out, and is making me anxious." Evan added, his mouth grossly full.

"Guys don't worry, we're safe here." Alex said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more.

"I hope you're right..." I mumbled, not feeling very confident.

"We'll be fine." He kissed me on the cheek, resting his forehead on my temple.

We spent the next two hours watching a movie, and chatting about useless things. My eyes watched the clock as the numbers turned to twelve, and with every change of the clock, my anxiety went higher and higher. Once it reached two, I couldn't take it anymore, and told Alex I wanted to go to bed. He agreed, following me up the stairs, and Evan headed to the guest room, which was more like his room anyways.

Once my head hit the pillow, I felt a little more relaxed. Nothing can happen if I'm asleep.

Well, the house can set on fire, someone can break in and murder you...- No, stop it.

"Petal, are you alright?" Alex whispered, most likely sensing my stiff body.

"No." I cracked, letting the barrier break, and the tears soak his shirt.

"Whatever this is, we'll make it through." He pulled me closer to his body, giving me enough comfort to relax against him. "We're going to be okay." He repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.

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