Chapter 56

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Chapter 56




"If you keep bouncing your leg like that, it's going to snap off."

"Nixie, not the time. Leave him alone." I heard Phoenix shush her from behind.

I wanted to apologize for making everyone ten times more anxious than they already were, but I just couldn't find the will to care.

I'm scared.

I am terrified.

The love of my life is out there somewhere, but I have no idea where, and that scares me.

"How are you holding up?" I heard Will ask me.

"Do you want my 'leader′ answer? Or my 'I'm just a young lad who lost half of his heart' answer?" I'm sure my voice sounded as tired as I felt.

"I want Alex's answer."

I turned to look at him, surprised he finally called me by my preferred name, and saw the sympathy in his eyes. He looked like a friend in the moment, which is what I needed. Not the Captain of the Royal Warriors.

I had to look away from his intense stare so he wouldn't see the tears running down my cheeks. I think I win for the man who cries the most.

"Honestly? I feel like my heart has been burned in half, and I'm struggling to breathe through the scorching pain." My voice cracked against my will.

"We'll find her." He said gently before galloping his horse ahead to give me some space.

I've heard those words too much, and I wanted them to be true so badly. My mother had just said those words hours ago, yet I still can't fully believe them.

After we arrived at the Ice Palace last night, all hell had broken loose.


Once everyone made it out of the portal safely, I sped out of the room, searching the halls for the Ice Queen. I could hear everyone else following behind as I took the lead through my home.

I heard her voice drifting through the halls, having a friendly conversation with one of the most respected guards. I felt such pain in my chest when I turned the corner and saw her. I felt like a little boy again, and just wanted my mothers embrace.

As if sensing my presence, she turned to me with a bright smile. "Alexander, you are home." She beamed, although it didn't last long. One look at my sullen face, and the light in her eyes started to dim. "My son, what is wrong?"

Tears blurred my eyes as I wordlessly thrust myself into her open arms. "Mum." I choked, sobbing into her shoulder, seeking her comfort.

She rubbed my back, rocking me softly. "Captain William, what is the meaning of this?" I heard her stern voice.

"My Queen, the Princess has been taken."

"Taken? What do you mean taken?!" She sounded alarmed.

"We were enjoying an afternoon by the river when a woman from the Wind Kingdom showed up, muttering nonsense. She blew the princess through a portal." I was thankful for Harry's explanation since my voice was useless at the moment.

"Oh, my dear boy." She squeezed me tighter, muttering how we'd find her, before gently pushing me away from her. "Where do you think she was sent?" She asked calmly, cupping my cheek.

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