Chapter 38

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Chapter 38




I watched on from the cracked open bathroom door, impressed by Alex's display of magic. I knew he'd start to learn quickly once he got past his mental blocks.

Evan stared at Alex, gaping like a fish. "W-what?" He breathed out a stutter. "H-how is that p-possible?"

"I told you, everything you heard before is true."

" just froze water in seconds." Evan started to hyperventilate and panic to himself. "That's impossible, oh my God."

"Shit, Evan, breathe. Calm down." Alex rushed to Evan's side.

"Calm down?! You-you, I, how...what?!"

"I know, it's insane. I'm still having a hard time dealing with it myself. But it's okay, just-"

"You froze water!" Evan cut Alex off with a screech.

Alex didn't have a chance to get another word in before Evan's eyes rolled to the back of his head. He fainted, and because he was sitting up, his head slammed into the headboard on his way down.

My boyfriend slightly cringed before he turned to me. "Well...that went great."

I sighed as I opened the door, and exited the bathroom. "He's always been a hardcore skeptic. This stuff is difficult for him to process. I should've known." I slouched in front of my passed out best friend, placing a hand on his sweaty forehead.

"What do we do now?" Alex placed a comforting hand on my upper back.

"We wake him up and try again. I'm staying here this time. Breaking it gently clearly didn't make any difference."

"Okay then. I'll just leave it to you." He went to take a step back, but I gripped his wrist to stop him.

"Wait, we'll do this together. I think you should wake him up."

"Me? How do I do that?" He seemed shocked I would suggest that.

"Make him cold, I don't know, something!"

"So freeze him. Are you insane?"

"He's sweating, he needs to cool down anyways."

He tried to have a stare down with me before he huffed and gave in. "Fine." He held out his hand, which now had a piece of ice in it, and held it to Evan's cheek. It didn't take long for his eyes to flutter open.

He blinked a few times before he registered that Alex was hovering a foot away from him, pressing ice to his cheek. "Ah! Damn, that's freezing, mate." He shot away, putting his hand up to his burning red cheek. "Seriously, what the hell?"

" remember what just happened before, right?"

Evan nodded slowly, still not noticing me standing by the foot of his bed. "Yeah, you froze water and melted it in seconds." He shook his head as the shock seemed to settle. "I can't believe this. You have magic." He whispered to himself, seeming both in awe and trying to grasp the situation.

"We both do..." I said, trailing off slowly.

His eyes shot to me, and widened into saucers. We just stared at each other for several moments. I could see the rollercoaster of emotions that flashed over his face. He was initially struck with shock, then he shriveled in pain and sorrow, before his eyes lightened with subtle happiness. It melted away as quickly as it came, leaving him in utter disbelief to see me standing there.

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