Chapter 42

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Chapter 42




As I watched my Grandma Daisy exit the room, I took another deep breath.

"We can do this. We've practiced loads of times." Alex assured me again, at the same time we heard the chattering in the main ballroom silence at the Queen's entrance.

It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop, as everyone anticipated the words of their beloved Queen. Even the wind seemed to stop blowing.

"Good evening." Her gentle voice broke the silence, echoing through the giant courtyard. "I offer my humblest thanks and gratitude to you all for coming tonight, to celebrate this wondrous occasion...the welcoming home of our beloved Ice Prince, and our dear Flower Princess."

I could hear relief flood me as I heard nothing but cheers and applause.

"See? They love us." Alex whispered to me with a smile, sounding pleased that I was starting to shake less.

I nudged him, and continued to listen to my Grandmother, as Harry and Will directed us to our place behind the silk curtain that had been placed over the doors. I was stood on the left, while Alex stood to my right. Apparently the placement was important, but in my panic, I couldn't exactly remember why.

"I would like to provide a very warm welcome to all of our lovely neighbors from the Mystic Mountains. Thank you all for making the journey. Everyone here in the Enchanted Woodlands is pleased to make your official acquaintance." More cheers were heard, making me admire how smoothly she ruled, and was able to pull together two greatly diverse nations. "Before I introduce my people to the beautiful Queen of Winter, I would like to say a few words."

The area went silent in anticipation, and I held my breath.

"As you all know and remember, we have all suffered much loss. We have had our share of defeat and heartbreak, but we have conquered. We have rose again to be the strong nation I am proud to rule, and I cannot wait to reintroduce you to your long lost Princess, my beloved Granddaughter, Princess Aurelia, sole heir of the 13th Kingdom!"

I almost had to plug my ears over how loud everyone was. It was as if I was at a football stadium.

"All my friends and family from this wonderful Kingdom of creation, will you please help me welcome the Queen of Snow, the kind, Queen Krystalyn!"

More applause was heard and I felt Alex squeeze my hand.

"Hello everyone! It is an honor to stand before you in such a beautiful Kingdom, to introduce my son. Thank you all for joining us, and for being so patient as we waited for our fated heroes to return to us once again. Thank you, Queen Alena, for your gracious generosity to my people. 'Tis an honor to be able to stand beside you, as we welcome the young Prince and Princess home."

"It is time." Harry said from beside me. He and Will moved to both sides of the edge of the curtain, standing stiff and tall as they went into Captain mode. "Welcome home, Princess." Harry formally bowed, before the curtain split down the middle, being pulled back on each side of the already open grand doors.

Since we were high up on a balcony, overlooking the castle courtyard, the only things I could see as of now were both Queen's standing together, facing the crowd, and the bright afternoon sky.

The sun was shining bright, and I was amazed to see the sky split in two. One half of the sky, was radiating in sunlight, and the other half was covered in clouds, allowing snow to fall gracefully. From what I could see, the castle walls that stood on the right side of the courtyard, had vines and flowers hanging down. Trees lined the walls, reaching high, and the area had a golden glow to it. The left side of the castle had icicles hanging down, with snow frosting the gray bricks, decorating that side to look like a winter wonderland.

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