Chapter 27

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Chapter 27




I followed Alex out of the garden, still in a daze over everything that's happened since we left the hotel in New York. He seemed to be in a trance as well as he wordlessly gripped my hand.

Once we made it inside the glorious castle, that I was still in awe over, I felt overwhelmed. Memories of my short time in these corridors started to flood my mind. Although I gained memories of my life here, it was still new to me. I was only a child last time I was here. Many things have changed and I have grown up differently. Even though this place was my home, it was foreign to me, and I was lost.

"Harry?" I called out, letting my voice echo through the long and unknown hallways. "Where could he have gone?" I muttered to myself.

"Do you know where anything is here?" Alex asked me, his eyes darting around in curiosity.

"Not a clue. Don't forget, I was only a small child when I was last here. It's new to me as it is to you." I repeated some of my internal thoughts to him.

"Ah, Your Highness, there you are." I spun around in surprise at the new, feminine voice.

"Uh, hello?" I greeted awkwardly. "Who are you?"

The middle aged woman curtsied to me. "I am Mary, Head of the Castle staff. The Captain has sent me to fetch you." She gracefully grabbed my hand, tugging me away from Alex. "Come now, Princess, we must get you changed out of those night threads." I looked back at Alex with a worried look in my eyes. This was my first time heading off alone, with someone I didn't remember. "Prince Alexander, Captain Harold is waiting for you in the portal room. Once the Princess is ready, she will meet you there."

"But, I don't know where it is?" Alex looked as 'deer in headlights' as I did.

"Down the hall to your right!" She shouted back to him before we disappeared out of his sight.

I tried to rack my memory for this woman, but she wasn't familiar to me at all. The only thing I remember is my personal lady in waiting when I was a child. Her name was Annie, and she was like a big sister to me.

"Um, Mary, where's Annie? I thought she was the Head of the Staff?"

Mary frowned, giving me a sad look. "Annie was sadly killed on the day you fled. I was assigned the position after her passing."

"Oh." I couldn't help but feel more guilty. How many people had lost their lives because of me? "Why didn't anyone make new bodies for those that died?" I asked, the thought slamming into me like a car.

"My child, we are not immortal." She sighed, sadly. "We can make vessels for our souls and transfer them for short whiles, but once our true form is destroyed, that is the end. There is no way around that."

"Oh." I puffed, feeling deflated.

"'Tis alright. It is a desire that has crossed all of our minds. We have tried before, but to no avail."

Without another word, I followed her through the castle, and noticed we were back in my bedroom. I glanced around in wonder, in love with my room. Not only was it fit for a princess, but it was perfect for me, filled to the brim with all my favorite things.

"We had some dresses made for you once we heard you were returning." She said to me as she opened a set of doors that led to a giant walk in closest.

"Whoa." I gasped. "This"

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