Chapter 31

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Chapter 31




After I had to watch Aurelia leave me, I felt suffocated, and like I was drowning with her lack of presence. I know I'm being way over dramatic, but after everything we've been through, and how much we learned yesterday, I just need her.

Our lives just drastically changed before I could even blink. Things we thought were only fairytales, are now our entire beings.

So forgive me if I feel like I want to curl up, and hibernate alone in my room, with my girlfriend gone.

When I woke up this morning, I still felt the heaviness on my chest, and wanted nothing more than to cross any magical barrier I had to in order to be with her.

"She is not dead, Your Highness, merely a portal away." William strode into the room, giving a half ass attempt at trying to console me.

I slammed my hand down on the icy table. "Do not mention her being dead." I unintentionally raised my voice slightly. "It's still a very deep and sore subject for me. Real or not, I still watched her get murdered."

"My deepest apologies, my Prince." He bowed regretfully. "I did not mean to reopen fresh wounds."

"No, it's fine." I sighed. "I'm sorry for yelling. And please, just call me Alex."

Earlier in the day, I had come to learn that William was also a close friend of my father and mother, just as Harry was to Aurelia's parents. He was just as sorry for losing me on earth, and I had a long chat with him to tell him it was more than fine.

"Alright, Alexander, it is time to begin your training." He began, ignoring the bait for my nickname like Lindsey always does. Alexander is just so much more formal, and I'm not used to being called that so frequently.

I sighed, knowing I've stalled long enough today. I've managed to make it to now, two in the afternoon, without him finding me.

I spent most of the day wandering the palace, reminiscing on some of my old favorite places. I skated around on the iced over pond for a while, before spending some time in the library, followed by the kitchen. Feeding the penguins outside was probably my favorite of the day. I forgot how much I used to adore those little guys.

"Can't we start tomorrow? I mean, we wasted most of the day as it is." I held my breath, not wanting to practice magic. It made it all too real, and I still am not ready to accept it.

"Alexander, it is imperative we begin immediately. We should have started earlier, but the Queen thought it be a good idea to familiarize yourself with your home again."

"Do we really have to?" I gestured to my body. "I mean, I'm not really dressed right for training today." A servant had dressed me in full prince attire this morning. I was clad in pure white pants, icy blue boots, and a royal jacket to match, covered in ice and embellishments.

Able to see the nervous look on my face, he sighed before sitting across from me. "Clothing does not matter when practicing magic. I see through your excuses, my Prince. What is troubling you?" He no longer looked like a guard, but a concerned friend that wanted the best for me.

I sighed, feeling my face turning a shade of red from embarrassment. I didn't want to admit that I was up tossing and turning all night, due to the fears that haunted and paralyzed my brain. Taking a breath, I let it out in a huff. "I don't want to be like Elsa..." I trailed off, muttering my words under my breath. I felt ridiculous for bringing up a character based on Disney animation, but I feared I would end up like her in the fictional movie.

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