Chapter 35

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Chapter 35




"I do not understand. I was able to teach you not a single thing for two whole days, and in a mere five minutes, the princess manages to pull your powers out?" Will paced back and forth in the dining room.

It was morning, after breakfast, and Alex and I had pulled our guards to have a chat about what we discussed last night. Harry remained rather quiet, but Captain William, on the other hand, had a whole lot to say.

"And you want to run right back to earth while we still have much to do?"

"Yes?" Alex's tone showed he thought it should've been obvious.

"Are you quite serious? My Prince, there is no time for-"

"William, calm down." Harry finally interjected, standing up from his chair in the corner. "I think it is a fine idea. A quick trip back to Earth, no more than an hour or two."

"This is absurd." Will shook his head.

I sat silently in the corner, fiddling with the fresh roses on my beige dress, not really knowing what I should say.

"Please, Will. We have plenty of time to train. Aurelia's doing great, and I got it sparked last night. I'm sure I'll pick it up in no time now." Alex pleaded. "If you don't want to do it for me, at least do it for Aurelia. She misses her friend and had to leave him in such an awful state. We're worried about him."

"Come on, William. It will be a fun adventure." Harry urged, looking more playful than normal.

Will glanced among all of us. "What does the Queen have to say about all of this?"

"Grandma Daisy thinks it's a great idea. I've worked hard and learned a lot these past few days." I finally spoke up.

"You have, but Prince Alexander has not."

"Then I'll just go. Evan was my best friend for years first anyways."

"Aurelia." Alex turned to me abruptly. "No."

"Alex, it would just be for a little bit, I'll be fine." I took a few calming steps towards him.

"But...but I just got here. I don't want you going alone to the place you were taken from me." The look in his eyes made my heart clench. I could see how badly he didn't want me to leave him here.

He was about to say something else before Will talked first. "Okay, I shall make you a deal. If you can melt this entire block of ice by lunch, and then create another in its place, we will all go." He reasoned, holding out his palm to reveal a fist sized chunk of ice.

"Easy." Alex said, with wavering confidence. I knew he was still worried about wielding his magic, but I believe in him.

He reached over, taking the ice from Will's hand, and held it tightly in his own. "I just have to will it to melt away, right?"

"Correct." The Winter Captain nodded.

"Aurelia and I will be out in the forest for our own training. We will see you both at lunch." Harry slightly bowed at Alex before heading out of the room.

"Good luck." I whispered to my boyfriend, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, and running out.

"Do you think he'll be able to do it?" I asked Harry once I caught up to him.

"Yes. Now that the Prince is in your domain, I believe he will have just what he needs to prosper in his art of winter."

"We have seriously got to get you a new day and age speaking coach." I snickered, still not over how proper everyone speaks here. "I mean, come on, have you not heard of a contraction?"

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