Chapter 6

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Chapter 6




"Abigail, turn the flash off before you blow our cover!"

"Oh hush, David, just look how adorable she is."

I was lulled out of my peaceful sleep by voices, not so quietly, whisper yelling. "If there are any pictures of me sleeping, delete them now." I groaned into my pillow.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The noise was so abruptly loud, that I shrieked, rolling off my bed.

"Happy birthday, Sunshine." My dad repeated, helping me off the ground.

"Is this my present? Being scared to death and woken up? You guys are really slacking this year." I joked, no longer mad once I saw Mom holding a delicious looking cake.

"Get your tush up, we have a birthday brunch to get to." Evan urged, pushing me towards my bathroom.

It was a family tradition, well, plus Evan. Every year on my birthday, we'd go out for brunch at my favorite diner in the city, followed by an evening of adventures. When I was younger, my parents always let me skip school for it. I think that was their way of trying to make it up to me for not knowing who my real parents are. Evan's mom had issues with him skipping the first couple years, but once she got to know me, she let him skip all the time.

"What's on the agenda for the rest of the day?" I asked curiously. In past years, we've done everything from concerts in Central Park, roller skating, trips to the beach, even stuff like Chuck E Cheese when I was younger.

"It's a surprise." Mom said with a grin. That was always a good sign. They only kept it a surprise if it was something really good.

With a new found excitement, everyone left the room so I could get ready. The whole time I showered, and did my hair and makeup, I couldn't stop thinking about Alex.

Not much of a shock there.

After our date on Wednesday, he had taken me home and walked me to my door. He said he had a lovely time, to which I agreed, and asked me on a second date. I obviously said yes, and was beyond melted when he bowed down to kiss my hand. Like, literally bowed like a prince, and kissed my hand. I swooned hardcore, and the blush wouldn't let up while I told my mother and Evan every detail. Dad wasn't too keen on hearing anything, however. It was the perfect way to end the night. It was sweet and romantic, without going in too fast for a kiss. I really appreciated the slower pace he was taking, considering we still just met.

I spent all of Thursday and Friday much more conscious of him at school. I hoped I'd catch a glimpse of him on campus, but had no luck. I'll have to ask him when and where his classes are. Maybe they're close to mine but just not at the same time? Either way, I'm sure we'll eventually see each other at a school function, now that we know the other exists.

We ended up going on our second date Friday night, and it was just as fun as the first. He took me bowling and then we got ice cream afterwards. It was a lot of fun, even though he smoked me at bowling. Going out with Alex is making me realize that I'm more of a fun and adventure type girl. I'll pass on dinner and a movie any day.

I asked him last night what he was doing for his birthday, and he didn't know. He said his parents had a surprise for him, just like mine did. As much as I would love to see him for our birthday, I'm kinda glad he already has plans. If he had asked me to do something, I would've been tempted to ditch my family for him, which wouldn't have been fair. Luckily I don't have to have the temptation.

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