Chapter 32

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Chapter 32




I could hardly contain my excitement as I twirled around the forest. The soft, pale green dress I wore, was so light and airy. It tickled my bare feet as I walked.

The forest was so beautiful and enchanting, I have never seen anything like it. The trees stood tall, covered in autumn leaves, with sturdy brown bark. The dirt was rich, with the slightest hint of grass peaking out of the dark soil. The sun rays shone through the trees, giving the environment a beautiful glow. It just felt amazing to be outside after being cooped up inside yesterday.

Once we left Alex's Kingdom yesterday, we arrived back to the palace, thrilled to learn dinner was ready. We had a grand meal, unlike anything I've ever experienced. The Queen, Harry, Lindsey Anne and I were joined by the palace staff and guards. It was a cool experience seeing something so opposite of what I was expecting. In most books or stories you read, the servants are treated poorly, constantly reminded of their low status. But here, everyone was treated equally, and with kindness. It was a nice surprise, and a lovely 'welcome back' to the Kingdom.

After dinner, I had been exhausted and went to bed right away. It was so easy to fall asleep with the heavy smell of flowers to ease me.

This morning, I immediately wanted to begin training, but Harry kept putting it off by giving me a grand tour of the castle, and letting me spend some quality time with my grandmother. He said it was important that I felt at home again before getting down to business.

I almost burst with glee when Harry said it was finally time, and I was even more excited when he said we would be training in the woods. He said the peace and ambience would help me feel most at one with nature, hence why I also am barefoot.

"Okay, where do we start?" I asked, once I finally stopped my twirling and giggling.

"First, you need to calm down and relax your mind." He chuckled at my bouncing body.

"I am calm!"

"Aurelia, your excitement will hinder your abilities, cutting off your focus."

I immediately stopped moving, and stayed as still as I could.

"Good. Now, close your eyes, and continue to take deep breaths." He instructed, walking in slow circles around me.

I did as told, and allowed my mind to fall into an empty state of peace.

"While you are relaxing, I want you to keep your eyes closed, and listen to my words. Let them sink in, resonating into every cell in your body."

I nodded in response to show I was listening.

"Since the very beginning of time, the 13th Kingdom has had the power to create. Life and nature can be produced in the mere palms of our hands. Anything from plants, even to something as complex as a human body. That kind of magic is something we will master down the line, but for now, we will focus on plant life."

"So, what can we do exactly? What can I do?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

"You can both create from scratch, and manipulate what is already in existence. If a stray vine were to hang in your way, you can move it to your will, bending it how you wish. If you wanted to create a tree out of thin air, you could make one with the twist of your hand."

"Wow, that's incredible. I thought I'd only be able to do things like that with small things."

If I could see him, I know he'd be shaking his head. "There is no limit to your creation. You can turn any plain field into the most glorious meadow, or you could just produce a tiny seed. 'Tis all a possibility." He explained to me.

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