Chapter 63

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Chapter 63




Walking through the portal into the 13th Kingdom was an indescribable feeling. "Uh, it feels so good to be home." I sighed in content.

"I'll bet it is, sweetheart." Alex chuckled, planting a kiss on my temple.

As soon as we stepped into the hallway, and people spotted me, the castle erupted in joy. It was a warming feeling to know I've been so missed around here.

We turned down a corridor on our way to my Grandmother's study, and I saw a familiar head of blonde hair a short distance away. "Lindsey Anne?!"

In response to hearing her name, she perked up and whipped around. "Aurelia?" A grin immediately overtook her features and she started to run. "Aurelia! 'Tis you!" Once she reached me, she threw her arms around me in a tight embrace. "'Tis you, 'tis really you!" I could hear the tears in her voice. "Once the Palace got word of your rescue, the Queen sent for us!"

"I'm home!" My own tears started to fall as well. "And I'm so glad you're back, too."

"Oh, I had no doubts the Prince would find you! No doubts at all!" She pulled away, grabbing my hands and bouncing up and down. "Your parents in New York were lovely! The world is so strange now. I even had to wear some strange and tight blue trousers! But enough of that for now. Come! The Queen will be so pleased!"

"Linds, slow down!" I giggled, although my request was ignored.

In record time, we reached the Queen's study. As soon as the doors burst open, my Grandmother and I locked eyes, and I could see the relief flood them. "Oh, my sweet girl, thank goodness."

I rushed into her arms, feeling overwhelmed by the familiarity and feeling of home.

"Nothing of the sort will ever happen to you again. I will not let it." She said to me in a stern voice.

"You and me both." I heard Alex mutter to himself.

"Let me look at you." She pushed me away to cup my face and examine me. "Oh, so beautiful. As if you never left us." She smiled.

"I'm okay." I assured her. "I have the powers of fire now!" I jumped excitedly.

"What?" I heard Lindsey gasp. "You can produce flames and heat?"

"Yes I can!" I stepped away from the Queen, holding out my hand to allow a small flame to dance in my palm.

"Incredible." Lindsey Anne whispered.

"Amazing how fast you were able to get ahold of the control. It took me weeks to get the flames to die down."

"Do not forget, Fire Prince, Aurelia has had time to perfect and master her other skills. Learning to control fire will come easy to her." Captain Harry explained. I silently sighed in relief. The last thing I wanted was to spend months trying to control and learn my magic again. "She shall be a pro in no time." He boasted.

"I always suspected you would contain the powers of both your mother and your father. I knew you had them in you. Now I am sure. You are quite the treasure that this realm has been desperately in need of."

My eyes met Alex, and I could see the love and pride beaming from him.

"Now, darling, your friend Evan is waiting for you in the garden." Queen Alena grinned, gesturing towards the door.

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