Chapter 40

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Chapter 40




"I've never been so tired in my life." I whined as I plopped down in the fluffy grass.

"That's promising. This will sure be one hell of a date." Alex chuckled.

I couldn't help but giggle as I gazed at the setting sun.

After two long days of training, planning a Ball, and helping Evan adjust, while still kinda settling in myself, I couldn't help but feel beat. Alex thought it was a good idea to spend some alone time, since we haven't really had much of it since we had broken up, almost two months ago.

As tired as I was, I couldn't help but be in awe of the sweet little date he planned. With the help of the kitchen staff, and Lindsey, he had cooked up all our favorite foods, and brought it in the most stereotypical basket ever. He even had the checkered picnic blanket, and all kinds of candles. It was very sweet and romantic of him, and even though I teased him about it, I strongly loved the gesture. He picked the most perfect meadow as well. How he knew it existed on my land, I will never know. I'm assuming it had to do with Harry.

"This is nice." I leaned into him, closing my eyes for a moment.

"It feels like old times, when we would have lunch in Central Park all the time." He commented.

I hummed in agreement, playing with the hem of my dress. I settled for a short, white sundress with sunflowers all over it for our date, while Alex had on light denim jeans and a blue flannel. We both went simple, with the desire to feel like regular humans for a moment. I was loving playing dress up with all the gowns, don't get me wrong, but it was nice to feel regular again.

"Is it weird that I've grown so accustomed to wearing ice in these past couple weeks, that it feels weird being in jeans?" Alex asked, seeming to read my thoughts.

"I was just thinking the same thing with all my gowns. It's like I have a pillow and blanket with me no matter where I go."

"You look beautiful today." He kissed me on the temple.

I sat up to give him a real kiss before we dug into the basket.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was." I moaned as I took a bite of the most delicious pizza ever. "Also, how did you convince the old fashioned staff to make pizza?" I wondered.

"They were hesitant, and had no idea what I was talking about, but when I explained it was kinda like a pie, they were all for it."

"Well, for people who had no idea what a pizza even is, they did amazing." I praised our wonderful staff.

"Are you nervous for this Ball?" He asked me.

"Basically all of both of our Kingdoms are gonna be here to ogle and scrutinize the two lovers of the centuries old prophecy, as they look and expect us to save them all. And on top of that, we have to merge the two lands together in a super important ceremony that cannot be messed up whatsoever. No, I'm not nervous." I spoke in one breath, clearly sounding nervous.

"Yeah, I'm nervous, too. I've never been one for public speaking." He said. "Maybe Will should switch out my snow lessons for speech lessons. Plus, I'm still not feeling good enough with my powers to use them in front of thousands of people."

"I'm not worried about having to speak, I'm just nervous about messing up, and what people will think."

"No one can possibly think anything negative about you." He looked at me with so much love in his eyes. "You're absolutely perfect."

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