Chapter 62

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Chapter 62




Freezing. That's the last thing I remember.

Snow, lots of it, boxing me in, freezing me to the bone.

I was frozen. I was so cold, and it was so dark.

And then it wasn't.

Then, next thing I know, it's so hot. Unbearably hot. But it feels...comfortable?

Flames. Heat. It was smothering me. I heard an explosion, and then I'm suddenly covered in flames.

I saw Alex sitting on the floor and the confusion settled. Why is he here? Where is here, where am I? How am I on fire but don't feel pain? I'm positive I was dying or already dead.

So I started to scream.

"Help me! Someone!" My throat burned, but I couldn't stop screaming. I went to get up, but moving hurt.

"Aurelia, stop! You need to calm down." I was in too much of a panic to recognize the person. "You're gonna hurt yourself."

"I'm on fire, help me!" I shrieked, continuing to scream. "Help, please!"

I felt the person tightly grip my arms and started to scream louder. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Aurelia, please listen, you need to relax. It'll all be okay."

"I'm burning. It hurts!"

"She's in pain?! Phoenix, stop this!" I heard another voice scream.

"Alex?" I muttered.

"Alex, calm down and stay back. She's not in pain, I promise." The other voice said. "Aurelia, breathe. You're not in pain, it's in your head. Just relax." The voice soothed, and I slowly started to piece it to my uncle.

"Phoenix?" My screams died down, and my voice sounded strained and tired.

"Yes, Aurelia, it's me. You're okay."

"What's happening to me?" I'm sure I sounded drunk because my voice felt sluggish.

"Your powers are coming in."

"My-my powers?" I slurred. "But I already have powers."

"Well, it seems you have more."

"Aurelia, Princess, you're scaring me. Please calm down."

"Alex? Is that really you?"

My eyes blurred with tears and my vision began to spin. Everything was too much and happening too fast.

"Yes, sunshine, it's me. Please do what Phoenix said and relax."

I closed my eyes and took shaky breaths, trying to calm down. It cooled down slightly, but was still hot. My head felt light and my eyes were heavy when I tried to reopen them. Once they finally did open, I locked eyes with Alex. He looked terrified, yet relieved at the same time, and was standing several feet away from me. It was then I noticed Nixie standing behind him.

Alex sighed with relief, and a tear rolled down his cheek. "You're alive." He breathed.

Before I could respond, my head hit the pillow, and I was out.


"What the hell do you mean? There is no way she has the powers of the Fire Kingdom."

"But she does, we all saw it!"

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