Chapter 22

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Chapter 22




It took a whole week before I was finally able to come up with the courage to talk to our parents. Between still processing everything myself, and allowing her parents a little more time to grieve, I figured I'd give it a little time. But with it being over two weeks since her passing, I figured sooner was a better time than later.

With the help of Harry, we sat down both mine and Rel's parents in a room, and explained the story. They were very wary of him, as I was in the beginning, but they heard him out with few interruptions. Aurelia's parents took it better than I had expected them to. But I guess after having their daughter brutally murdered by her possessed best friend, they were willing to believe anything.

My own parents had a little harder time believing it, but after Aurelia showed up and knocked over some stuff with her ghostly energy, they believed it more.

They were concerned what would happen now, but Harry had assured my parents that they'd still get to be part of my life, and told Aurelia's parents that they would indeed see her again. Seeing their smiles, and happy tears, I once again hoped I had made the right decision to trust this man.

I will say though, I've been spending lots of time with him over the past week, as well as Aurelia. It was nice to spend time with her, even if it was listening to crazy stories about magic. He told us more about this centuries long war with the Darkness, and described more of the 13 Kingdoms. We learned which ones were completely destroyed, and which ones were still thriving.

When I found out that Aurelia's Kingdom was connected to nature and creation, I wasn't the slightest bit surprised. Once he informed me in more detail that I come from the Kingdom of Winter, I had to endure all of Aurelia's ′Frozen′ jokes. I pretended to roll my eyes, but I truthfully would let her tease me till the end of time if it meant I got to hear her melodic laugh.

Harry told us almost everything, but left out our Kingdom's current rulers. When either of us asked about our parents, he would clam up, telling us we've already learned so much and that he would tell us once we arrived home.


It was so strange to think of Earth as not being my real home, but I was slowly starting to except it. The more I heard, and the more I thought, the more I believed. I knew Harry was a man of truth. All the signs had been there as I grew up. I always felt different and out of place. I was never bothered by the cold, as Aurelia commented on many times through our relationship, and Aurelia always was strongly drawn to nature and Autumn. I never felt complete and whole until I met her.

So yes, call me crazy, but I think I fully believe what Harry has told us.

"Hi, Alex!"

I yelped, startled by Aurelia's new favorite hobby of scaring me. She's worse than Lindsey.

"You'll never quit, will you?" I rolled my eyes as she giggled.

"Never. It's too much fun." She floated over to my desk, leaning over me. "One of the few perks of being dead."

I cringed at her word choice. "Please don't say that. Even though I've accepted that this is all real, you're still a spirit that I can't touch right now. I still mourned for you." I stared into her eyes. "It tore me apart."

Her smile faded. "I'm sorry. I didn't consider that."

"It's okay. We'll be together for real again soon." I smiled, feeling bad for momentarily ruining her happiness.

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