Chapter 34

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Chapter 34




We entered the dining hall, and I was surprised to see loads of people. Noticing my shock, Aurelia told me that all of the castle staff eat dinner with them. I wasn't that surprised, seeing as how kind everyone here has been. The staff back in the 1st Kingdom don't eat with us, but they do have a nice dining hall to themselves to eat in. Both of our families were kind and respected among our people.

Our people.

It was still weird to say.

"Where's Lindsey Anne?" I asked, wondering about my ghostly friend I haven't seen in a few days.

Aurelia started to glance around as we headed towards the front of the room. "I don't know, she should be around here somewhere."

We kept getting paused from our search, as people continued to stop us. People greeted their Princess, and she seemingly knew almost everyone. I like how she continued to introduce me as just her boyfriend. When it's about our relationship, I don't want to be known just as the Prince, although, people would immediately bow when she introduced me. Then again, I was dressed from head to toe in ice covered Prince attire, so it was pretty obvious who I was.

"You look beautiful, by the way." I whispered in her ear as we passed more people giving her respectful curtseys.

"Thank you." She blushed. "You look amazing, too. You really fit the part, Prince Ice Cube."

"One of these days, Aurelia, I'm going to find something just as awful to call you." I teased.

"Oh, yeah? I'd like to see you try." She snorted, knowing there wasn't a single thing I could call her that would be offensive.

"Just you wait." I tried to sound confident, although I knew just as much as her that nothing I could call her would be as ridiculous as the endless possibilities she has for me.

"Uh huh." She giggled. "I'm actually surprised your clothes aren't cold." She commented, leaning closer to me.

"Magic." I mumbled, kissing the top of her head.

"Aurelia!" We heard a voice shout from a nearby spot. We turned to the left to see Lindsey walking towards us.

"Linds!" Aurelia jogged away from me a little bit to hug her friend.

It was so strange to see her, that I had to double look.

She looked so...normal. The ghostly glow, the transparency, and the pale skin was gone. She had color in her cheeks, and life on her face. It was so refreshing to see, and made me so happy for the lass.

After hearing her backstory, and feeling so sorry for her for being stuck here for over a century, it warmed my heart to see her join us living.

Her once long, stringy hair, was now pinned up in a nice bun. The old cream, blood covered dress, was now replaced with a simple, vibrant green dress to match her eyes. Her eyes sparkled with life, no longer dull and deathly.

"How was training today?" She asked excitedly, pulling away.

"It was so much fun!" Aurelia squealed, pulling a flower out of thin air, and placing it in Lindsey's bun.

"Wow." Lindsey breathed. "'Tis still so spectacular watching you practice magic."

"It's even cooler being able to do it!"

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