Chapter 57

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Chapter 57




I heard chatter all around me, pulling me from my slumber. When I blinked my eyes open, squinting from the sunlight, I was surprised to see everyone awake and eating breakfast. Even Harry, Nixie and Phoenix were awake and eating, with their tents all packed away.

"Why didn't anyone wake me?" My voice croaked as I groggily sat up.

"Ah, good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Nixie teased, taking a bite from her omelette.

"You finally fell into a deep sleep two hours ago. We figured you needed the rest, so no one wanted to wake you." William answered, handing me a plate of food.

The pity in his eyes told me he really meant, 'the guards heard you screaming all night and when you finally fell asleep, we felt bad and left you alone.'

Feeling embarrassed, I downcast my gaze, avoiding all eye contact. "Thank you." I mumbled.

"So, we made a general plan, but we did not want to say anything official until you awoke, My Prince." Harry sat in front of me on a wool blanket, slightly bowing his head. "How would you like us to move forward?"

I turned around and looked up to glance at the tall and vast mountains surrounding us. "We look on every mountain until we find her. We should split up into smaller groups, that way we can cover more ground. We have enough men to cover most of the mountains."

"Of course, Your Highness. I will divide the ranks immediately." Will spoke up before walking away. I immediately heard his voice calling out names and orders.

"Harry, I would like for you to tag along with William and I." I said. "Nixie and Phoenix, you as well."

"It would be my honor to accompany you."

Once everyone had finished eating, and been split up into groups, we discussed which groups would take which mountain. After that was decided, everyone started marching off in their respective directions.

My group lingered until everyone was gone, and it consisted of Harry, Will, Nixie, Phoenix, two skilled warriors by the name of Joseph and Fredric, and myself.

We had chosen to walk slightly east, and take on the largest mountain in the range. As I saddled my horse, I felt a bubble of anxiousness in my stomach when I saw it in the distance. It truly was the biggest mountain I'd quite possibly seen. It would take so much time to cover the whole thing, and time wasn't something we had much of. She's already been trapped out here for almost forty hours. If we didn't find her soon, there'd be nothing left to find.

At least I didn't have to worry about her being eaten by some wild animal. She would be loved to death by the wildlife if anything, not that there was much here anyways.

After trotting along in silence for hours, Nixie decided to break it, just as the midday sun reached the skyline. "Why don't we play a game to help pass the time?"

"Nix, I don't think now is the best time." Aurelia's Uncle whispered to the water princess.

"No, I think it's the best time. It'll lift everyone's spirits." She countered.

"And what is this game of yours?" I asked, desperately wanting to raise my mood, although I doubted it was possible.

"Well, it's not so much a game as it is sharing all our best memories of Aurelia." She chirped.

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