Chapter 59

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Chapter 59




"Truly, it is an honor. Escorting the Prince himself on a royal mission."

"Honestly, is silence ever a part of your character?" Nixie snorted. I couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle.

The legendary 'Jack Frost' has been trekking alongside us for over three hours now, and I can count on a single hand the amount of times he's stopped talking for more than five minutes.

"I've heard many-a-tales, but silence has never been a trait given to me."

"Wonderful." Harry masked a groan.

"I actually have a question."

"Phoenix, don't encourage him to talk more." I harshly whispered to the Fire Prince.

"Ask away, Your Royal 'Fire'ness."

"I'm just curious, but you seem to speak in the proper way of the Kingdoms, but also as a teenager who grew up on Earth like us. Why is that? Were you cast away to remain safe as well?"

"As a being who has been around for thousands of years, and cursed with near immortality, you tend to grow bored of life here. Humans are quite interesting, and I've spent lots of my time among them, acquiring their ways of communication."

"And I'm assuming you spread stories of yourself through the human world as a source of entertainment?" I asked this time.

"More or less." He shrugged.

"What do you mean you were cursed with near immortality? Are the legends true?" Joseph offered a heavily curious look.

Jack suddenly tensed, looking uncomfortable as he walked. "That's a long story better left for another day. It's not important anyways. All I can say is not to believe everything you hear."

"Yeah, I'm sure it must suck hearing yourself be called a crazy ice troll for hundreds of years, huh?" He visibly flinched at Phoenix's words.

"Phoenix, you can't say things like that." Nixie scolded him, swatting him on the back of the head.

"'Tis alright, Water Princess, I deserved it. I have done things in my long life I am not proud of, but I've spent the past several thousand years to make up for it." He looked down at the ground.

His ability to know everyone by name and status was astounding to me.

"Like the Enchanted Trees?" I wondered out loud.

"Precisely!" He exclaimed, cheering up immensely. "Over the years, I would always hear people wonder what warmth felt like. I spent decades conjuring up the magic to make the trees for them."

I internally thanked him, hoping that one of his trees did indeed lead us to Aurelia. I could only pray she found one of his infamous trees, and knowing that stubborn curiosity of hers, she would've touched it.

We all finally fell silent. Well, mostly Jack. The rest of us were already weary and tired from our travels. Him yammering on for hours only wore us out more, but no one had the heart to tell him to shut up. Especially when he was the one who could potentially lead us straight to the Princess.

Nevertheless, we had a nice, peaceful walk for the next two hours.

I hope she really is up there. I will scour every inch of every mountain, dig under every pile of snow, until I find her.

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