Chapter 54

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Chapter 54




My vision was blurred and fuzzy. I had to blink my eyes multiple times just to see the slightest shapes.

It was cold. That much I knew.

The last thing I remember is Alex's blue eyes staring at me frantically, while he reached out for me. My memory was hazy and I couldn't exactly remember why he looked so scared.

I also remember feeling like I was falling, until I felt and saw nothing at all.

Where am I?

I blinked again, finally clearing up the fuzzy darkness. Everything was white. Pure white.

Snow. Alex's Kingdom.

Oh my gosh, how did I end up here?!

As if a ton of bricks slammed into my face, I remembered. I saw bits and pieces of a lady in purple, I heard screams, felt the wind. I was blown into the river, and dragged through a portal. That's where the memories stop, meaning I was knocked out.

Forcing my shaky legs to a stand, I spun around in circles, seeing nothing but white for miles and miles.

Oh no.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

No, no, no, no, NO!

This is not good!

I'm stuck in the 1st Kingdom, with no idea where exactly I am, and nothing on but a short sleeved, blue gown. I cursed myself for walking through the forest barefoot, as that was not helping at all.

I brushed the snow off my arms, and hunched into myself as much as possible. I could see my breath in front of me, and felt the chill go up my spine. My feet felt already numb and my eyes started to water.

I want Alex.

I want to go home. To be warm.

"Hello?" I called out, hoping someone would be around. "Is anyone there?!"

I felt defeated and alone when nothing but my echo called back to me. So alone.

I sniffled, feeling my tears freeze onto my face.

Deciding to be sensible, I crouched down to try and use my magic before I was too frozen. It took a lot more effort than normal, but after a good ten minutes, I had sprouted enough vines to weave together some makeshift shoes. They were by no means up to standard, but were enough to at least eliminate direct contact with the snow.

After the shoes were made, I weaved together some more vines in order to make some sort of wrap for my arms, and some gloves. I had to do it quickly, as towards the end, I was starting to get slower with my movements. I tried to make some flower earmuffs, but my hands were stiff, not allowing anymore magic to seep through them.

I knew I had to find some kind of shelter or civilization, but knew the Darkness was smarter than that. It wouldn't send me near a village where I could seek warmth and shelter, no. It would send me far into the depths of the Kingdom, where no one would find me as I froze to death.

With the terrifying thought in mind, I thanked the stars that at least the sky was clear. The last thing I need is a snowstorm.

I gazed forward and saw nothing but miles of snow that curved upwards, leading me to believe I'm near the mountains. Turning the opposite way from where I came, I could see some trees in the horizon.

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