Chapter 5

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Chapter 5





"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it."

That fun adventure he talked about? It was a moonlit stroll through Central Park. But not just any stroll. He rented us a freaking horse drawn carriage. The carriage had a bunch of fairy lights strung around it, with beautiful flowers weaved all through. The horse itself was gorgeous as well. It was something straight out of a fairytale.

"How did you manage this?" To say I was in awe was a complete understatement.

"The manager of the stables is a good family friend. He taught me to ride and lead horses growing up, so he had no issue in letting me borrow one." He looked super giddy and proud of himself. "This is also the only real reason why I had us dress up tonight. I figured you'd want to look the part if you were to live a fairytale for a short while."

"Alex, this is...amazing. It's like you knew I live for this kind of stuff."

"I'm so glad you like it." He grinned, bending down into a bow. "Shall we, my lady?"

"We shall, good sir." I giggled, grabbing his hand as he helped me into the carriage. I gasped when I saw the most beautiful bouquet, filled with sunflowers and roses. "Alex! They're beautiful! I love them." I picked them up gently, letting their scent invade my nose.

He simply smiled in response, climbing in next to me, and taking the reigns.

"How does a moonlit carriage ride through Central park sound, Princess?"

"That sounds lovely."

With that, we were off. We went down all kinds of different paths, stopping when we saw cool things to look at, and were just having the best time in each others presence.

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" He asked.

"No, I can honestly say I haven't. The most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me is not call me a bitch when I turned them down for sex." I joked, although Alex didn't find the humor in it.

"Those guys will all get what's coming to them." He seethed bitterly.

"What about you? Have you ever done this before?" I asked, changing the subject.

"If that's a loaded question of if I've ever done this with another girl before, the answer is no. I've not had the most luck in the love department, like you, so I've been left to daydream about my romantic gestures. My mum always taught me to be a gentlemen, to use my charm as a loving gesture and not a sleazy trick. I've always been the kind of guy that likes to treat a girl like a princess, but I never found that one meant for it all...until you."

I glanced up at him to see him already staring at me. There was a sparkle in his eye, something that should've scared me for falling so fast, but I couldn't bring myself to fear it...cause it looked like he was falling fast too.

"That's really sweet, Alex. There should be more guys like you in the world."

He looked straight ahead again, zoning into his own world. "There's only ever been one other girl that I truly liked, but looking back on it now, it was nothing but infatuation. Honestly, my biggest regret in life is sleeping with her. The signs were all there. She only was using me, and only wanted to hook up. But I was a naive boy and thought I was in love." He sighed. "Enough of my tragic love life though. What's done is done."

Th13rteenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon