Meeting the Guys

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Woke up in a pool of my own sweat had this horrible nightmare , I had gone to school met  pretty amazing student , they ended up inviting me to have lunch with them , I was so exicted that in my first day of school  I was able to land some new  friends and lunch not knowing what's coming next to me. we were all laughing over some stupid joke  one of them said then suddenly I was covered in Strawberry Milkshake ,it drifted from my hair down to  my cloth.

Looking at who the hell did that I found these  beautiful dressed girls ,  laughing their hearts out, all the students were , some were even taking photos and videos of the whole thing , what hurt the most is that my new friends were the ones who planned everything out .

Am laying on my bed, can't find the strength to go take a shower or  get ready for school ,  stayed like that for twenty minutes or so , when I finally gathered some courage to go through with it,   after the shower  felt everything coming back to me  , I had an hour to get ready and reach  school , packed my backpack and was off to school.

Decided to skip breakfast mainly because i didn't have the stomach for it and two I was afraid of vomiting it all out , took a cub sat at the back still going over the school map , ' Huh... I remember my days , I looked from my map to the joyful driver remembering the good old days . We never had one of those , he pointed at  my map I got lost and ended up missing a class,one because I had no idea where the class was and two  because I got  bullied in my first day , his face  changed filled with sadness.

Bullied... I choked at the words , he just nodded then my  nightmare happened to cross my mind for the millionth time, I still couldn't shake the feeling, a cold chill creeped down  my whole body , Is bullying rampant in ... schools here ? I asked him so low am surprised he even heard me . Don't worry Miss , these days we have organisation fighting it , social media , celebrities and strike rules in school, they all help in preventing it.

Hearing that felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders  and soon I was standing there staring at the school of my choice , I could feel tear drops rolling down my cheeks, I did it , I actually made it ...still can't believe it myself, walking in the school entrance I was welcomed with students laughing , playing prank on each other .

America Football team on one side paired with Cheerleaders, I would say that is the popular squad, a few meters from them were kids with huge books I concluded them to be the Intelligent squad , I actually liked them, they seemed friendly that and some of  them smiled waving  at me , the bell rung and with that everyone was rushing to their respective classes. I was the last to enter , I still wanted to look at every bit of the school .

Excuse me ... are you lost ? Turning around  to have a good look at the  person who asked the question , I was blown  away at how beautiful he is , he has these  light blue eyes , a sharp chin, a very beautiful face , smile and a body that spoke loud and clear that it  goes to the gym. Umh... umh find your voice dummy ,  Alexa come on , I slapped myself mentally...Would you please direct me to the Principal's office ? Take the farthest corner then turn left, says that to me smiling brightly.

Thank you with that I was running away from him , at his instructions I was able to reach the Principal's office ,  was instructed to take a sit and wait for a minute ,few minutes later  I was given the green light to enter . The Principal was a bit younger than I actually expected , I would say in her late thirties. Ooh miss Blast please have a sit , Immediately I had taken the sit she begun,'For  starters let me be the first to welcome you official to our humble school which am sure you will be treated comfortably, she finished that with a smile .I returned one to her .

Here is your schedule and I have done the liberty of finding you a student who will show you around, with that said I heard a small knock on the door , after a few seconds this beautiful girl walked in , she had this epic shape that will make most girls want to die from envy and make guys want to commit, amazing curves , Dark brow eyes ,has strawberry-blond hair , she was tall not that tall but tall .

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