Cost More Than I Imagined

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Boarded the plane and am so , so scared ,I knew they would be consequences for my actions, but I  never thought it would almost cost me my Dad, because if I knew that... I would have never pushed through with it .

Earlier on the guys called me and asked what I meant with the letters and what big secret I was keeping,  For them to find out they were all invited to my Birthday if I happened to still be alive by then, which will be six months from now and I really pray they understand why I had to do what I did, Just landed back home and thank God from my mode of dressing the forks hardly recognized me and that helped with the humiliation. 

Reaching the entrance of the Palace I remove my cap and the guards were saluting and bowing for me , minutes later the Royal carriage had arrived with that  I was being forced to board .Arriving at the main entrance I found staffs waiting for me , wearing this epic smiles on their faces . Again never thought I will be  saying this but, I had missed being greeted like this .

The  brilliant smiles fade at the sight of my weak father , He looks so pale ,he gives  me  a look I only saw him giving to people who have done the unspeakable , that look will haunt me for the rest of my life .I would have preferred he shouting at me , that I could take but instead he gave me the look .

He orders me to follow him,  my mom and brothers were by my side even though they knew I messed up  bad, but as usual they were on my side . Reaching the Council Room they were ordered to leave,  they were reluctant until I assured them I will be okay . I find  the councils sitting in their respective seats and let's just say they weren't happy with me , Dad never ones   looks  at me .

Am  ordered by one of them to take a sit that's placed in the middle of the room. This looks  like a horror movie , If I weren't in so much mess I would be laughing at the setting , I walk slowly and take  the sit which happens to be facing  Dad directly.

Having taken my sit they began. You have always been a troublemaker but that, we could handle , you have been given several warnings but your Dad here ...has always made excuses for you , saying you are young and don't know better , now look at what that led to. You thinking because you bare the title of Princess, you are entitled to do anything you want .

But since you wanted so badly to experience what a normal life feels like , We as  the councils have decided to grant you your wish . I widen my eyes with confusion.  From now on , your family and you are being relinquished from your Royal Titles, no more titles for you ,so you have all the freedom to be as normal as you want.

No , Please you can't do this , am the only one that needs to be punished,  my family did nothing wrong , Please , Just punish me  am begging you . I was literally on my knees pleading them , back then I would think they are only bluffing but they do have the power to make that call .Sadly I had to learn that the hard way .My Dad never argued with them and I knew he blames himself for how I turned out .A spoilt brat , who thinks she is entitled to everything.

  Please I will do anything,  anything else  , Please don't let the Kingdom suffer for my mistakes.  You all know they love Dad and he cares for the people of this Kingdom. The Council excuse me for them to discuss any other appropriate punishment I deserve and after a few minutes I was called back in .

It was announced that my family will not suffer for my stupid mistakes and that this time round I will be carrying my own cross .As my punishment the Council is sentencing me to ...Marry whomever they chose and if I don't comply, the first option is alway opened for discussion. I look at my Dad and for the first time he looks  at me .His eyes held different emotions but I knew I had to do this , What is left of my life even if I put up a fight , I won't let them suffer for my mistakes. I...I  AGREE,  Immediately saying  those words tears spill down my cheeks but I knew , this was it for me .

The council agreed to set up a meeting with the guy I will be marrying and they made sure to inform me that he will not be of my age with that they were gone.  I was left with Dad in the room he still had not moved from his seat .Dad, one could easily sense the scared nature in my voice,  he stands  up walks to me and to my surprise he hugs  me tightly,  all the tears that I was holding in just came out .

God , am so glad you're okay ,he whispers  in my ears . Dad, am so sorry,  he pushes me lightly to have a good look at me .Why did you do that ? I was so worried something bad would  have happened to you and me like the foolish Dad wouldn't know a thing . Dad , you're not Foolish,  I am . Let me guess, it didn't work out as planned?  He asks worriedly. I just hug him ,one for the comfort and two to conceal my pain, It worked out just fine Dad , Just fine .I ended up finding people who accepted my crazy nature , real friends.

We stay in our hugging state quietly until he breaks  it . I don't care if I lose the Throne,  I never did because before a king, am a Dad and it's the best job i could have been given. I will talk to the councils and we will go with the first option. As long as all of you are happy , I will be happy . No , I screamed,  No , I did something wrong and I need to pay for it Dad.

Like a friend of mine  told me ,It comes a time where confronting your mistakes become easier than running away from them , so I need to take responsibility for my actions.  Your friend sounds like an amazing person. He is Dad , Alec is the best ,you would have loved him . Promise me you won't get involved.  He studies my face for a minute then speaks , Promise won't get involved.

 That trip made you grow up , he comments. You have no idea , I forcefully laugh at that . Now go and take a shower your Mom and Nanny have prepared all your favourites. After one last kiss on the forehead I was off to my room . Found Nanny unpacking my stuff, leave it Nanny , from today onwards I will be doing that for myself , even the cleaning of my room , she seemed shocked.You really have grown from that trip. That's exactly what Dad just said moments ago .

Took a shower , dressed up and was ready for dinner.  On my way to the dinning room I meet my brother. Hey Doll , I just hug him , I had missed him so much,  I messed up really bad Alex , really bad . So I heard
... but that doesn't mean you have to do what they want.  I mean we are  talking about your whole  future here, Doll. Do you understand that decision will ruin your life forever?

What did you expect me to do , I mean I can't let you guys pay for my mistakes,  I won't allow that and you better than any of us know what that Throne means to Dad.  It's my mistake and I will happily give up my life for you guys,  am crying my eyes out now, seems like something have been doing  a lot today and am so sick of it .

Come here Doll , I will always be here and yes I know you made a mistake but not even you deserve such a punishment.  What really happened to you , the old you would have never accepted it or backed out without a fight ? That girl is gone Alex and she is never coming back , she messed up bad not again .

He just holds me close to him , I could see the worried look he gave me but am not changing my mind .We enter  the dinner room and everyone was there , they never ones   judged me and accepted me for me . They acted like nothing ever happened and I couldn't be happier.

Do you think she deserves such a punishment?

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