The End of K& J

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The party ended amazingly, the Hugh's still didn't change their mind and still decided to talk to her privately but the boys kind of mentioned something amazingly  to me , it was discovered that Mrs.Hughs did infact give birth to twins , I was taken back by the news, how comes she had no idea about that?But was so happy for them. When it come for them to leave the party, the boys come hugging me , telling me how thankful they are, for me having crossed their path . If they only knew they are the ones I should be thanking, they gave me a reason to move on , be a better person and mostly forget my pain and for that ,  am truely grateful, the guys left as soon as my mom joined us , I swear I could still sense tension between her  and the family, what is the issue? When all the guests and the kids left , I finally got a chance to spend some alone time with Mine, Is it weird am soo, in love with that name . We took a walk to the garden ,on reaching there we spotted our friends. The girls walked towards us and were like, Alexa, God I will never get used of not calling you that , Ester expressed somehow embarrassed. It's okay Ester, take your time , sooner or later you will get the hung of it . She smiled at me and then continued, Jackson really needs to speak to you, it's really important, please the girls were begging me and trying their best to pull their puppy faces on. Girls, I sighed, how can I explain this to them , without hurting their feelings? She will talk to him girls, when he said that I looked at him like he had magically grown another head, Can you please give us a minute. With a smile at Mine the girls nodded and they were gone to inform the rest. Noel , what the hell , I called him by his name to show how pissed I was , but still it seemed he didn't get the Memo. I don't want to talk to him , you know that and beside what is left for us to talk about? You two still have something to talk about , you know it and I know it too, if I were in his position...But you are not Noel, I know that...but if I were , I would like a chance to know why not me ... and why him?Please do this for me , please . He pleaded with me . But mostly do it for you , for your peace of mind ,okay? He asked me that caressing my cheeks and giving me his contagious smile, that  always manages to make me give in  to  whatever he wants . He just wants to talk,nothing more and once you two are done , I will be in our secret hideout, where I mastered the courage to confess my feelings towards you. With one last kiss and a hug he pushed himself from me , telling me to go , Jackson is waiting for you . As he walked away from me , I hugged him from behind, don't you dare leave that place until I show up . I could see in his sensitive green eyes he was scared, he may have just signed his on death wish but he had nothing to worry about, I love him and nothing Jackson can say would change that. Promise? He kissed me lightly on the lips and replied promise , with that he was gone. As I approached the guys ,I instructed the rest to go back in the house, since Nanny had some rooms ready for them and beside they all looked tired. There I was alone with Jack and all my mind kept thinking of was, if I was Noel  I wouldn't allow my Girlfriend to talk to him ,not even for a minute but Noel  is so different and he made me fall in love with him all over again . Coming back to reality I found Jack looking at me with those  blue eyes that I used to love so much but now, they wouldn't even hold a candle to Mine's eyes. I didn't mean what I told you that day, about Vanessa and I , yes she invited me in  her room after dinner but nothing happened. What !But you said the two of you , made love that day . I know , Alexa , I know,he said desperately. My family was in deep shit and that's the only way I could help them . By breaking up with me ? I asked more  confused. That's the one condition Vanessa's parents gave me so they could help my parents company other than threatening your life .

I know you have hated me for the five months that have passed and you have all the right too , I came here hoping to ask for your forgiveness and work my best to win you over again, I knew it won't be easy but I never expected all of this, especially of you being in love with someone else worse Alec ,  I could see tears spilling from his eyes . I was just standing there, not crying as a pictured it in my head a million of times , You know what Jack , it took me this long to realise that , I forgave you a long time ago and honestly I would say it's all because of Noel. The pain I saw in his eyes and how he still manages to smile proved to me ,that my pain wasn't even close . But the part of getting back together, It's never gonna happen, I appreciate the truth, really but , I meant every single word I said back at the party and it wasn't just because Mine was sitting next to me or something. When he told me he was going away to forget me , that killed me Jack , those three days seemed like hell, worse than even  hell. Tell me something honestly, if the roles were reversed and i had picked you instead of him , would you have allowed me to talk to him, explain to him why i chose you and not him ? By his expression alone  I got my answer, You wouldn't, but he did , and that proves how much he loves me, by always being ready to set me free so... I can be happy even if that means it's not with him but with someone else .I love that man so much and your truth come too late Jack . Beside the girl you feel in love with was Alexa and I am Kelly Karen two different people Jack . Alexa reminded you of your Kelly and even though you won't admit it , you loved Alexa because you saw in a way , it's like Kelly was back in your life ...finally. Noel as you know him as Alec he loves me and has never ones tried to change me , unlike you Jack,you know it's true and I also know it too well .Jack tried to kiss me hoping that with that I may some how remember our love ,but I made sure to set my boundaries. I belong to him Jack and I will fight for this love to the graves if I need to.Forgiving you I have ,but that's the only thing I can offer to you. I extended my hands for a shake to show no bad blood has been left, he scanned it for a while and shaked it .

Our friends came running towards us , you could tell they were so excited we patched things up . So are you guys okay ? Daniel asked . Ester added asking if there is a possibility for our relationship to be saved? Friendship is the only thing I can offer to him guys, because Alexa Karen the one that was madly in love with him ...doesn't exist . I hope you guys can give Kelly Karen a chance get to know her, if I must add she's kind of fun too . They came hugging me , we don't care what your real name is, we love you no matter what,always and forever . Martin said that pulling me into a hug. Thank you guys so much, for showing up and for not judging me . I hope Nanny showed you guys to your rooms ? Yes she did, she's lovely. Ester spoke so excitedly. Where are you going ? Vanessa spoke to me for the first time , she had kept her distance from all of us, I walked towards her, I hope one day we can be friends . Me too Kelly and am so sorry for all my immaturity. We...hugged , that was a start ,right? I am meeting up with Mine at our secret hideout. Mine ... Jack said the name so painfully. I know he was hurt but I would rather he gets hurt now than think he has a shot with me and deny himself a change at moving on . On arrival to our spot , I found Mine throwing rocks , sneaked behind him giving him a hug , he turns and hugs me tightly, with that he let out a breath that I don't think he himself knew he was holding in. Are you okay ? He asked me with so much concern in both his eyes and tone. Or , you would be willing to let me go with him , I finished his statement somehow disappointed. Just his expression alone answered it all. Mine... it's you, the one I have been waiting for my whole life , I chose you ...not him . Promise me you won't ever give me up, even though I may make your life a living hell or disappoint you or act crazy , promise me you will always remember, why you loved me in the first place ? I love you My K and I promise I will always try my best to be there whenever and wherever you need me , I promise to love you even though you are acting crazy he said that chuckling and I promise to love you in your good days and worse days,especially on your worse days you have that alot, he said that laughing his heart out . You should have seen the smile that was planted on my lips, Wait... is that your vows to me ? That...and more to come your way . It's beautiful said that planting a kiss on his tempting lips . We shared this amazing kiss, while according to me . I love this guy so much , never in a thousand years would I ever thought i would be blessed this much. We got to sit and I got to tell him everything, I don't want to hide anything from him , even the part where Jack tried to kiss me . I totally understand him ,his hurt , confused and desperately needs you as a friend and have you noticed how beautiful you are,I myself can't help but kiss you all the time.

Your not angry ? I asked curiously, I am but , I can't be upset with him , but the next time he tries something like that, am gonna beat him black and blue . I laughed at that but he kind of sounded serious, Mine just gave me another reason to fall in love with him.So how did you like my little surprise that I left  in your room this morning?He asked. What, You were in my room this morning ? He nodded happily, I left the letter and the dress , I even gave you a happy birthday kiss that earned me a smile from you  .God... have I told you how much I love you?I asked him that kissing him . He pretended not to know how much I love him . No... not really . He answered me with a grin playing on his lips . Well i can solve that by... thought through it and an idea popped,by always showering you with lots and lots of kisses. Wow! Lucky me, I can't wait to have you as my wife he said that pulling me even closer to him . Two weeks , then you are stuck with me forever ,so if you have plans of  backing out, I would suggest now to be the  right time , told him tucking strands of his hair that were getting on my way to see that beautiful face of his . Is it weird I sometime think his more beautiful than i am ? Never ... we are stuck together always and forever.

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