The Sparks

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You never mentioned you have such a Hot friend, Ester comments ,  What ?? Dan asks ,  You know you are the only one I love and have eyes for  .Ester complements. Am the luckiest Dan says that  giving her a kiss, Okay enough of that ... Paul says . Your  just a hater Martin adds  . In your dreams guys says  Paul . Guys your drifting from the topic here, Kelly speaks . So who  is that Hot cake she asks  grinning. His just a friend tell them that smiling weirdly.

Have you two know each other for long ? Paul inquires.  Not long , met yesterday why ? Nothing , you  seem like  long time besties he adds. Everyone had asked something about Alec except Jackson , he gives me this dagger eyes as if I had just killed someone and didn't see the big deal about it , with that he was gone. What the hell Is his problem ? The guys asks  each other as they follow him since he's our ride back home  .

Wait  ... is he the lucky one ? Martin asks excitedly.  That making  him earn a dead glares from Jackson . I drift  my eyes from a Pissed Jackson to Martin . No his not , he just reminds me of Alex , we found out we have a lot in common and am just happy we are friends. Nothing more , say that sharing this weird gaze with   Jackson and I think I saw a hint of  smile from him or I was just day dreaming. 

On arrival  home I get a call from Alec.Hey Alec What's up? He makes a comment and I find  myself bursting out in laughter,  that earning me weird looks from everyone,  he invites  me to this concert that I'll kill to go , hell yeah am in ,  see you at 9am tomorrow so we can plan for the night . Hey don't let the bedbugs bite,I smile at that and hunge up  . What was  that all about ? Dan asks , being  beyond excited, I scream the good news , Alec just invited me to see our favourite band tomorrow.

Apparently they are performing here in New York before heading to Chicago,  can you believe my luck , I finally get to see them in real life , say that jumping up and done like a celebrity who just got nominated for an Oscar Award.  Am very happy for you Alexa, so what's the bands  name   ? Kelly asks.  Skyrock they major with country songs , I love, love them . She gave me her famous smile and I know she's happy for me .

We have practice tomorrow and all the happy veins inside me just shut down, throughout the ride back home Jackson hadn't spoken a single word to me but he finds his voice  guys ,it's like I wasn't even there. And finally Jackson acknowledges my presence,  I made sure to say that out loud . I could have sworn I saw some hurt in his eyes but he still held his ground .

We have practice tomorrow and if you have forgotten Darling, You are the lead character now meaning you can't miss rehearsals .The guys had already backed away from the both of us and it's now Jackson and I  having an eye contest, end up breaking  it . It's hard having him looking at me without  getting my feelings all messed up . Jackson ,say  his name so breathlessly   ,his eyes always manages to do wonders to me and I need it to stop , Please . I already know my lines by heart so missing tomorrow won't make any difference, I will be gone for two hours then I will be back here,  I may even attend it still.

You're not going , the show is the most important thing and beside you barely know this Dude,  What if something happens to you, huh ? YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO , I WILL GO TO THAT CONCERT AND STILL ATTEND THE REHEARSAL.  Oh really so how the HELL ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT? We held eyes .
I will figure it out .Say it so  angeringly  that I  felt  it In my bones with that i was storming out of the room . What the hell was that about ? The guys ask as soon she leaves ,  Was all that about a concert and rehearsal or am I the only one that saw something more is happening here ?  Dan points out.

  Am just concern about the show, but I guess she's more into that Dude,  Alec say his name with so much disgust that I myself wanted to vomite. Your wrong Jackson , all she has been doing is worry about the show, Us and Vanessa's prank haven't helped , so she meets a guy who gets her , has  the same name as her brother it's like the universe is finally smiling her way to ease that pain of being far from home ,by giving her someone she can relate too , shouldn't we be happy for her , isn't that what we want, for her to be happy ? kelly asks .  Wait why are you so  upset about her going out with Alec, Jackson? Paul asks curiously. AM NOT .Then why are you shouting,  AM NOT I later realize am doing exactly that ,It's because... because I really don't know guys , I drop on the sofa closing my eyes tightly , my head is killing me and am so upset with myself on how I shouted at her.

What's wrong with me guys? When I saw him kissing her cheeks and she standing there smiling weirdly,  I lost it , so badly my blood was literally boiling or when Vanessa insulted her with her parents then she left the hall Pissed off , I tried to get to her to comfort her . Instead I find her with Alec laughing her heart out , I have never heard her laughing , her laughs with us , with me has  always been  more of gigglings or  chuckling and there  she was laughing with that guy,  that made me feel so , angry but at the same time her laugh was like a Heart attack, it's like it revealed me back to the living .

  I can still hear it and it still sends chills throughout my body , I wish I was the one to make  her laugh but sadly am not , I didn't realise I was voicing out my thoughts. OOH MY GOD JACKSON , YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER , they all say in sync .  I can't  be , that's impossible . You've denied yourself from all these feelings for so long that you have forgotten how love feels like and if your worried about Kelly , you're not betraying her Champ am sure she will be so happy for you up there , Dan says . Am scared guys , scared she may not have these feelings towards me , I really don't...what if she feels the same way for you , you just need to tell her and then that fear will be gone , Martin assures me  .

The guys left me to think about all we've  talked about . I find  myself at her door being a coward since I  barely  could bring myself to knock her door but I gathered the little shred of  courage I had left  and knocked, after a few seconds she opens  the door . I could tell she's still upset with me .What do you want Jackson?  If you're here to argue with me  again am not in the moods . That's not it , May I come in Please ?  She scans me then let's me in.

  I take a sit on  her bed and she comes sitting  next to me , what's  it Jackson,  you've been upset with me from the moment you saw Alec?  It's because,  I need to talk to you about something Important, I close the gap between us and I can  tell she's nervous. Okay , she urges me to go on . I hold her hands tightly. Your scaring me , is everything okay ? My hands reaches  to caress her cheeks,  I could tell she's conflicting with her emotions but eventual she submits to my touches  but something brings  her back to reality.

  what are you doing Jackson? she's up now pacing the whole room clearly having a battle with her feels . Stop it Alexa , stop fighting it so hard . what are you talking about Jackson? You know what am talking about  , I close  the  small gap that is  between us , I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH .She looks at me with those epic confused eyes that I love so much and my gaze falls on her lips , I love you with that I am kissing her , she's reluctant at first but she gives in , her kisses were like a drug , the more she gives you the more you want more.

  we stop when we both need  air but our foreheads are  still resting on each other , She has  her eyes closed but God I wanted her to look at me so badly . Please look at me , please Alexa I am  desperate here.   She slowly opens her eyes , looking  at her beautiful face inches from mine , I love you so much and don't say you don't feel anything for me because that kiss we just shared speaks louder than anything I know .

She pushes me   lightly,  you don't love me Jackson,  she closes her eyes like the thought of it being true is killing her , Vanessa was right ,you will never love anyone other than Kelly  and you only think you love me because I  remind you so much  of her  .That's why ... I shut her up with another intense kiss , You know that's not true  and I know that too,  whisper  that in her ears  kissing her neck, she moans at my kisses and that make me happier . It's true you remind me of her I could see the hurt in her eyes , but you two are so different and there is no such thing as loving two people the same way .

She wants  to protest but I place my finger on her lips to shut her up ,  Why is it so hard for you to admit Love me too , you love me and you know that .

Who's happier than me , am definitely rooting for K & J who's with me ?

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