The Hugh's Daughters

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I decided to sleep at the Orphanage with Noel and the kids and to really say I had an amazing sleep will be an understatement, I literally slept like a baby everything was falling into place, I honestly don't believe anything can ruin my mood . Just arrived home and headed straight to my room, fell on my bed the smile never leaving my lips once , I found Nanny in my room and she was, You are glowing Young lady. That's because am in LOVE. I hope you two didn't... you know what I mean? To really say the truth, I have always dreamt about Noel and I making love ,having our own family and just being happy. Nanny... of course we didn't, he respects me and we will only do it only when am ready.

You have thought about it though , I can easily see in your blushing face ? She asked me that chuckling. Please just leave am not talking about this with you and for your information, You are wrong. She left the room but still pressed on the issue. I was glad to be left alone , it was just me and my thoughts that where honesty going wild, I really can't wait to be his .

I was brought back to reality when my little sister Malia graced me with her presence informing me our parents wished to see me, Ooh in big trouble, probably because I didn't sleep here and mostly because I never bothered to inform them. Will be down in a few , she smiles at me and skips out of my room, men... I wish my life was as simple as hers sometimes.

Changed my clothes quick and headed to meet them, one thing my parents hate is being kept waiting, on arrival I found not only my parents but also the Hugh's family, they all had nervous faces on and my parents were more than nervous, I would even say scared , I greeted the boys, hugged Mr and Mrs. Hugh and took a sit next to my anxious parents or should I say scared, I murmured an apology to the both of them for not sleeping at home.But what the hell is going on here, one can easily sense the tension from a distance.

Honey... my mom called to me , trucking the various strand of hair from my face .Hey... what's wrong Mom, you look like you have just seen a ghost and honestly Dad... you look worse than her, didn't you get enough rest ? I could see pain in his eyes like it's killing him by just looking at me . Guys you are scaring me , what's wrong? I turned to the Hugh Family hoping they will at least tell me what's wrong. Kelly ... Madam Stephanie walked towards me and my mother willingly stood up for her.

As you know , we found our girls and that's all because of you and I want to thank you personally for that . For a moment there I thought something serious was going on. Guys ... you have already thanked me , am just so happy you guys found her...I mean them, I still can't believe you gave birth to twins , how comes you didn't know that all along ? We found out ... she sighs and continues, one of the nurses sold my other baby to this family in New York. What ... people can be cruel, how can someone do that to another woman? But thank God all of you know there whereabouts. She smiles at me ,then moves her hand from the tight grip she held mine and moved it to caressing my face .

We found out that... they both ended up being called Kelly like you. Coincidence or Destiny? I asked surprised, am truelly honoured they are called like me, it's like destiny is thanking me in it's own small way . You are one of those girls Kelly, she chocked the words out . What... is this a joke , are you guys pulling my legs as a form of thanking me , because it's not funny ? But everyone in the room stayed quiet. Guys ... you honestly don't believe am one of your girls, because that would mean... they are not my parents, said that pointing to my parents, because they are my parents.

Mom...tell her she's wrong, maybe the investigators were wrong , Mom tell her she's wrong , said that fairmly looking at her. All I could see was guilt written all over their faces , You mean not yours, I asked that desperately and literally crying my eyes out . You are my child , Mom affirmed that to me , You are trust me . Tears spilled from her eyes, when I gave birth to Kelly , my Kelly she ended up dying while I was giving birth to her. So when the fire started and a nurse pleaded with me to save you , I didn't hesitate. It was like, Yes God took her away from me, but than gave us you, you have been the best part of our life ,the greatest gift anyone could have given us . She said that wiping the various tears spilling from my eyes. Honestly the only thing I heard was, am not their daughter .

This can't be ... this is a dream , Kelly please wake up ? This isn't real ,this can't be real,please God . I shut my eyes for a second and opening it back, there they were, everyone looking at me with pain in their eyes. So when are you guys planning to tell my twin about us ? The painful looks changed to a crashed ones. She's...DEAD. Mr.Hugh said completely shuttered. ,when? I know we have never met but at the end of the day ,my twin is dead and I fucking didn't get a chance to see her or get to know her. She died three years ago in a car crash. They handed me a photo of her, I took my time before mastering the courage to look at it . What ... this is Kelly , Jackson's Kelly . They all looked taken back , now I know why I felt so connected to her ,so safe in her room back in New York,even if I have never met her, I loved her , weirdly. She's my twin, the love of Jackson's life is my twin .I cried my eyes out ,I wish I got to know her, I wish she was here with me ,then maybe I wouldn't feel this confused, lost and mostly alone.

Taking in a deep breath I remembered what Noel told me once, screaming it out helps most of the time . Excuse me , I need some fresh air, with that I walked away from them , I could see how hurt all of them were but ...I was hurting too . I went to Noel's and I secret hideout, I screamed it all out , I can't believe I have spent a half of my life ,trying to run away from my life only to discover it actually wasn't my life in the first place. They all lied to me , if they told me earlier...maybe I would have had a chance with getting to know my twin . My whole life is a lie , a big gigantic lie ,fell miserably on the ground .

Noel's Proverb

I got a phone call from Mine's parents and they sounded worried, they told me Mine has been gone for almost five hours and they still haven't heard from her, they also filled me in about the new discovery and my heart broke , I knew I needed to find her ASAP , she might be hurt somewhere. Don't worry Your Highnesses, I know exactly where she is , I will bring her home safe and sound , I assured them.

On arrival to our hideout I found her on the ground crying her eyes out . I felt like someone just stabbed me multiple times straight in my heart. I rushed to her and just held her in my arms ,wishing I could take all this pain away from her or at least protect her but sadly I can't. Cry it all out , Mine . Let it all out . They lied to me Mine, they all lied , my whole life has been nothing but a lie and worse, that lie ...just ruined the only shot I had to know her. She's gone Mine and i didn't even get a chance to meet her .

I know you are hurt and you have all the right to be and maybe you are right ,if they would have told you earlier you would have gotten that chance to know her, but I think you already know her, you two as so alike that it's impossible to differentiate you both . You probably won't see reason to what am about to say , but you know her and she's up there in heaven acting as your Beautiful Angel.

You once told me , the daughter of the Hugh family whoever she is should feel so lucky to be apart of that amazing family , and if she didn't... you told me it would be her loss because that family is one in a million. That ... family is really amazing ? I said that chocking in my own tears . And about your family, you are so wrong with that too Mine, because your mom is a lioness when it comes to you and she will gladly give up her life for your well being.

Your Dad, adores you ,loves you more than anything in this world, the guy was ready to give it all up ,just for your happiness, that to me is not a lie Mine, that's a parent's love to their child . You are very lucky ...I looked at him with glassy eyes, You have just earned another amazing family . You have three more Brothers , two more parents and you even get a grandma. Am so, so jealous of you right now , he says that wiping my eyes and giving me this beautiful smile .

Now , I need you to be strong , I know it hurts but I need you to be strong . I do because, you have always been strong for the both of us and that's one thing I love about you, please ...prove to me am madly in love with a stronger woman than this . We stayed quiet with me in his arms and gently lying on his chest . God damn it, I have two amazing families and even though it seems late with my twin , I believe she's watching over me up in heaven. I am strong, stronger because I have this epic man always by my side . How did I get so lucky to have you in my life ? Am the one that's lucky Mine , you saved me from myself, he said that planting a kiss on my forehead. Thank you ... for always making me see reasons .You want me to accept your thank you ? He asks caressing me , I nodded ardently, His touches are electrifying, always leaving me absent minded. Then you need to give them and yourself a chance to get to know each other . I don't want you to live with a guilt of not giving them a chance, because they deserve to know this wonderful person you are . He finished with kissing my lips . With that Nanny's word crossed my mind. In between the kiss he confessed how much he loves me . I love this man so much, I truelly do have an Angel up above watching over me.

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