The Anniversary

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He once told me how sweets can ease someone's pain, so tomorrow morning Larry and I went through all the Candy stores and got all his favourites, we mostly got chocolate chips, we placed everything that Noel loves in one place and I really hope this may help even a little bit .

While making arrangements Larry mentioned something that am still trying to understand, He kept mentioning a certain name , Ivan , that Ivan would love this place , From the sound of it Ivan means a lot to them but before I could ask I get a phone call from Alex and I knew they had arrived.

When Noel walks in you could see how surprised he was , he looks confused and he just got more confused when he saw the kids , Larry and I. I take a chocolate chip,walking to him , What's all this ? Today is certainly not my Birthday. It's just us trying to make you feel better, you have somehow been a grinch these few days . Why are you guys trying to make this grinch feel better? Because, when you love someone you love them wholly.

You love me? The way he asked me left me with millions of questions, What did he mean by that , but those questions will need to wait . More than anything, said that giving him a kiss on the cheeks , it felt electrifying. He smiles at me even though it didn't reach his eyes it was an achievement. This is for you , handed him the chip , he looks at it then looks back to me , How did you know it's my favourite? Let's just say am learning more of you than you could possibly imagine.

Larry joins us , he looks at both of us, Thank you two for all these and mostly for bringing my kids, Seeing them here is doing me good . After messing his brother's perfect hair and giving me a kiss on the cheeks he left to see the kids . I was left rooted to the ground , touching my cheeks and smiling weirdly. I don't know what's wrong with me these days , I have started noticing things about me like , I stopped seeing Noel as a brother a long time ago, don't know when that happened, am hurt when I see him hurting ,am addicted to his smiles and sexy grins .

Earth to Kelly , Larry snapped me back .My brother is really something, isn't he? Then gave me a look . Yeah he is .Too bad he can never get things right for him and with that he was gone .I was left thinking what the hell he meant by that . But then Noel sent me a smile again and I completely lost thought of everything.

Two day after the surprise we pulled I realized he was giving himself more and more work than he could handle, in these two days I haven't seen him during lunch and whenever I ask the guys or his secretary they alway have one answer for me .He has a lot of work to do , today I did the only reasonable thing, I decided to take lunch to him . Knocking on his door , it took a few seconds before I was given the green light to enter.

Hey, he asks more of a question than a greeting. Hey, I walk to his desk, cleared the desk and started arranging the foods, What's all this? Well since you don't have time for lunch I decided to bring it up for you . We gaze at each other and I ended up giving it up since it was really,really weighing me down .

He cleares his throat a habit he does when he is anxious. Thank you but am not hungry. I pulled my disappointed face on . Hey am sorry but , I stopped him mid-sentence, my mom always said it's not about whether you are hungry or not but it's about the person feeding you , with that said I walk around his desk . What are you doing? He inquires nervously. This , I sit on his lap ,taking one of the various foods that were laid neatly on his desk and held a spoon to him ,Won't you eat , even if am the one feeding you, still holding the spoon close to his mouth.

Noel's Proverb

Does she know what she's doing to me , Yes these couple of days I have been distant with her and yes my brother's anniversary is one of the reason but majorly because I need to keep a distance between her and me . Am trying so hard but she keeps making it so hard for me , Am falling for her , deeply and I never thought those words would come out of my mouth but I Love Her .

Is it realistic we have been a pretend couple for five months now and I happen to have fallen for her . It doesn't make sense, when she told me she loved me the other day , I almost believed her . I found myself asking her if she really meant that , I know she loves me but not the way I want her to love me . Now looking at her having those hopeful eyes trying to feed me , just proves one thing to me , I Love This Girl .

With that said I open my mouth and the spoon came flying in, it went on countless times , When I was almost done with half of the foods she continued sitting on my lap and giving me her famous smile and that amazing laugh.

See... it's not about the food , it's about the person feeding you , I smiled at that , I totally agree with her mom , the food tasted better with her feeding me . Do you feel better ? she asks. Never felt better with that my gaze fell on her lips . Is it wrong I want to kiss her so badly .She kept licking them and i found myself leaning in , but that moment was destroyed by Fred walking in .

He gave his apologies and with that K was up , No worries Fred , was just leaving, Before leaving I could have sworn we shared a moment and with that she was gone .Fred kept going on about various important stuff but to be honest, I didn't hear anything he said .I knew they were important because of the various files he placed on my desk . Earth to Noel , he snapped me back to reality, Have you veen listening to the things I have been saying for the last twenty minutes? Sorry Buddy, just have a lot on my mind right now, how about you leave the files with me and once am done reviewing them will come by your office and we can discuss about them .

He looks at me , no more... of examining me , You remind mind me of someone, I gave him a questioning look . Me, you definitely remind me of me .Why would you say that ? I inquire. You , Love my Sister, What.Love .Her . Yes you love my Sister. God how could I been so blind you have had all the signs.

You loved her even before you knew you had those feelings. I wish I could say he was wrong, when I first saw her at the University my heart literally skipped a beat , She was so beautiful, she still is . Seeing her so sad and hurt , i knew i must cheer her up, i know it sounds stupid but that's how i felt . I had this urge to take away some of her pain , when i met the guys , i instantly noticed there was chemistry between Jack and her , I admit i was hurt but i was happy to even get a chance to be her friend.

I knew she would never be mine , so when we met again and i was told am marrying her i freaked out because those feels may creep back .Fred , promise me you won't tell anyone about you assumptions because they are just assumptions. Ooh okay , then maybe you should do better in trying to hide your feelings towards her , if you don't want people to know . What the hell are you taking about ?

with that Fred pulled his phone from his pocket. Unlocked it and handed it to me ,I was shocked at what I was seeing, It was pictures of K and I, on most of them we shared looks that people would mistake for two people who are in love . I remember almost all of these pictures, I remember one of them was from an interview, she was so tired of the various questions and had laid her head on my shoulder, I reached for her, held her beautiful head between my hands and busied myself with removing various strands of hairs from her perfect face .I said something that made her smile and I found myself planting a kiss on her forehead.

I didn't know photos of that were taken . How ? Fred answered me ,Simple it's a Fan club, they call themselves K&N , It stands for . I know what it stands for Fred, what I don't know who the hell started it , Well simple the Fans did , He said it so obviously that it made me feel stupid.

I scrolled down the pictures and noticed one that ,we were hugging at the surprise party she and Larry threw for me . On another one our heads were resting on each other , but we do that when we want to think better or one of us is having a rough day .They were many more and funny to say each photo communicated differently to me . Is it weird I love each and everyone of them .

God I Love Her , I didn't realise I spoke those words out loud. I knew it , you give her the look I give my wife all the time .Okay , okay I love K . You love Kelly? Alex walks in on us . I slapped myself mentally, he had this grin on his face as he took a sit . She doesn't love me guys . How sure are you ... those pictures communicate something totally different . They are just for Fans nothing else. She is still in love with Jack . How do you know that ?Alex asked. My heart keeps telling me that , I was there I witnessed their love it was one of a kind .Nothing can compare to it . I really was frustrated my hair said alot of it .

Does food taste better when your loved ones feed you?

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