Mending Relationships

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I happen to be seated in Mine's car which happens to be parked right out side my house, I had a thousand things running in my head but eventually I knew I had to go inside and confront my reality.

When I got out of the car Mine had this proud smile on like I just got the Oscar Award but I was kind of proud of myself too, he gave me a kiss and his like, It's a goodluck kiss, sorry this is as far as I can go . He finished his statement with a sad smile . Thank you for reaching me this far , with one last kiss I was gone .

Entering the house , I was met with happy faces that am okay and scared faces cause they didn't know how this might end , I went straight to my parents hugging them and apologising for my earlier behaviour. You two are the best gift  ...this world could ever grant me , I know I don't show much appreciation but I love you two more than life itself. You are right Mom, she gave me a confused look but still had this affectionate smile on her face , I am your kid , doesn't matter what my DNA says . You two raised me to be thoughtful, caring and loving .

My brothers and sisters the ones I have grown up with joined us in our hugging. In the conre of my eyes I could see the Hugh's sadness , I pulled away from my family and walked to them . I once told someone special to me ,that whoever your daughter is the luckiest girl on earth and if she doesn't see that , she may as well go to hell . So when you told me I was one of them , I freaked out and am so sorry for that , this few months I have known you guys ...has been the best months of my life.

Am honoured to be your daughter and am looking forward to getting to know each of you  and I hope you guys would like to know me too? They all came crashing me into a huge hug . After the multiple tear shades , there was laughter and hugging , I have never thought I would see this discovery as a blessing, but i honestly do.

Let us guess, the special someone that made all this possible is ,Noel ? Michelle asked . That seemed to have gotten the attention of everyone in the house even my guests who also found out the discovery when I was storming out of the house. I just nodded my head and weirdly had this epic smile on , I can't believe just his name fills me up with  so much joy . He really has changed you Honey, If it were the old you , I don't  even want to  imagine what would have  been the outcome. And for that , I want to thank you two for choosing right one  for me . He truly is 'The Right Choice' for me . Said that giving them  tight and warm hugs .

With your permission, I would like to stay with the Hugh's family for a week , I could see sadness in my parent's eyes but I know they understand me. Just for a week and then I will be back home, promise. The tears that Mom had been trying so hard to fight finally spilled. She couldn't even find the words to answer my request and heart brokenly nodded.

Am going to come back , I always come back , don't I? She warmly smiles at that and just planted a kiss on my forehead, I looked at my Dad and I also saw the same fear that was on my Mom's eyes .The fear of losing me .You and I Dad, inseparable forever. He smiles at that, that's what we say to each other and we also use it to apologise to each other. You and I sweetie, inseparable forever.That's the first time Dad said those words doubting them .

Stay away from her, my little Sister Malia came by my side ready to defend me from the Hugh's family. You are not taking her away from us, she was now crying her little eyes out . Hey, I knelt to reach her height... they are not taking me away and beside I can never go and leave behind my Crime Buddy. But...she chocks  on her own words , your going with them, please don't go, I swear I will behave, I will eat my veggies and I won't disturb you . She promises all that hugging me . I could feel her tears on my neck .You are my Little Princess and the best sister I have . Hey... Michelle argues, You know I love you too Michelle. She smiles at that and my attention went back to my little sister, am going to come back faster than the Flash , I promise .

She hugs me tightly but never ones removing her dagger eyes from the Hugh's. After all the emotions i was able to excuse myself to make a phone call to Mine . The phone didn't ring for seconds before him picking it
. Hey... I could tell from his voice he was anxious. I did it , I made peace with all of them and I will be going with the Hugh's for a week . How did it feel? He asks lovingly . Felt , like nothing I have ever felt before . I could feel him smiling even though I couldn't see him .

Can you now accept my thank you? With both hands opened, he replies chuckling. I widely smile at that , I can't wait to be yours. I couldn't believe I said those words out loud . His next question hit me like a wrecking ball . How ,as my wife or as my lover? His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. As, your wife and definitely as your lover. Saying those words made me crave for him even more . I can't wait to have you in my hands for many mornings and nights and I can't wait to make you mine every single day ,  now you shouldn't be wasting time with me. What? I ask  him that still trying to get my breathing under control . Because in two weeks , you will be with me and you will be missing your families so much , so better get in there and enjoy your time with them .

In two weeks, that's all I could say . I love you K . I love you too so much more than you could honestly imagine. Not more than me i can guarantee you that , now go and make the most of it . After the various kisses we sent to each other I hanged up .Looking back to my families, I saw them laughing with each other and making each other belong .

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