Meeting Him

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Today is the day am finally meeting the person I will be spending the rest of my life with ,saying I was scared would be an understatement,  I was barely able to sleep , I kept tossing and turning the whole night  .My palms are sweating,  in other words I feel like am about to have an heart attack or even a stroke and having my siblings in my room trying to talk me out of this is not helping , I was surprised to see even Michelle here asking me to take the first option.Okay if you are not going to change your mind maybe we can go with you for moral support,  Alex spoke. 

Hell no ,I learnt better from the last time  to fall for that again , what , i cut him , remember when i was ten and you took me to my first dance rehearsal claiming it was for moral support and you ended up beating the poor little boy for accidentally stepping on my foot . What , I was only defending you , that prick deserved more than what I gave him .See exactly my point,  i will always be your little sister and you all will do anything to protect me and am grateful for that  but I will not let you guys harm that  poor old guy , you may end up killing him before we even get to say I do .

I could see they were all pissed off . Nanny Rose ended up gracing us with her presence and informed us Dad was waiting for me outside.  He kept giving me glances through out the ride and I could easily tell he was worried about me , ' Honey , would you relax I promise it won't be that bad . Easy for you to say Dad , I feel am about to have a stroke , I agreed to this arrangement but I never thought it would be this soon , we were suppose to meet at some councils house but the venue changed and we are now meeting at some hotel and I swear it didn't help one bit . Am here Honey,  am always here . Thanks Dad, when I saw the entrance of the hotel my heart beat increased,  My sweating palms weren't the only thing sweating , i was literally shivering,  It took me more than ten minutes to get out of the car and i thank God my Dad didn't rush me .

Dad walked ahead as i followed slowly,  he would stop a couple of times and look at me , i would give this forced smile . Hey sweetie I need to tell you something,  I had already reached him,  I know I promised that I wouldn't get involved but before a king you know who i am ...A Dad , what did you do Dad ? I got to change  the Council's mind and they agreed to get you married to a boy who made the same mistake as you , isn't that great ? To say the truth I was really  relieved,  Thank you Dad , I hugged him but please no more involvement,  promise me and please mean it this time . Promise no more involvement, Ooh look here they come ,Dad announced,  I could not bring myself to actually face them .

Dad went by to great them leaving me to catch a breathe,  I gathered myself and actually joined them . Dad , isn't he a little young for me , the boy I was looking at was like fourteen if am not wrong , I was saved from marrying an old guy to  end up  being a Babysitter,  I made sure not to say that out loud . His not the one you will be marrying,  this epic beautiful woman spoke.God where are my manners? Your Highness I bowed, a pleasure to meet you , I recognized her immediately as Queen Hannah Lloyd  , Rumours has it she is married to this monsterous King Charles Frank Lloyd but their kingdom is one to be admired ,The Sky Kingdom,  It has out of this world's  Best Recreational Centres , Just the best and funny enough the two Kingdoms don't get along . So let's just say this marriage maybe one of the way to resolve that  conflict .

No worries sweetie and no need for formalities,  I just hate them , call me Hannah, she gave me this amazing smile , Is it weird I love her already , I know  we just met but I love her,   I smiled back at her . You will be marrying my older son  Noel , this here is my youngest Larry , I don't know why that name stuck in my brain Noel . Here he comes ,he was a bit far for me to have a good look at him , but as he approached us I was taken back . You ... how comes , we both said at the same time . You both know each other, both our parents asked . We met at the University,  we were hugging each other now, the shock was written in both of our faces . I punched him , how dare you keep something like this from me , I thought we were friends Alec , Well I could ask the same question Alexa. Who ??? Both our  parents asked again . Let me guess Alec West isn't really your real  name ? No, who fakes a life and call themselves their real name ? I'm Remi Noel Lloyd The third , Ooh My God , I chocked out . He had extended his hand for a shake  and had  this big grin on .I'm Kelly Karen Harris Mckellen, No First , no second and definitely no third . I can't believe we were leaving the same lie , he says.

I wasn't lying about our friendship thou , that has always been true and I hope you can still accept me as one, He says it  so  genuinely.  I hope you too can forgive me and ofcourse we are still bestie,  we smile at one another until our parents ruined it.  Great that you two know each other , So it won't be hard for you guys to get married to each other , Dad speaks . Both our smiles flipped , what ? Alec , I mean Noel asked.  Hell no , am not getting married to her , I can never marry my  Best friend,  It would be like marrying my Sister or my brother here,  I gave him the dagger eyes and he sent apologises my way. Could you guys give us a moment,  we will join you shortly,  After they left I got hold of Noel's hand and pushed him to a private place , What do you mean you are not accepting this marriage? What , you are also rooting for this marriage he pointed between us. Yes I am , It's better we get married to each other , we know each other better than getting married to some strangers and worse old people .

Beside think about our families haven't we caused them so much pain , please am begging you , Please just agree to this. He runs his hands multiple times in his hair one could easily tell he is  frustrated,  OKAY , IT'S THE LEAST OUR FAMILIES DESERVE. God thank you I hugged  him . We walk to our families and tell them the great news , I have never seen people so happy in my life and that's all I needed to know  I'm making the right decision.  We sat for lunch everything went perfectly  , I was happy to see God hasn't forgotten me completely.

Who honestly guessed Alec maybe Noel?

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