It's Just the Beginning

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Alec took me in the house, the girls tried to console me but, I just wanted to be alone , not once had Jackson looked at me , I dropped on my bed and tears came following down ,it was a huge mistake coming to this place , A very huge mistake . I still can't believe it all ,how could he do that to me, Why me in the first place, I  have never hurt him or her that bad that I deserved all of this . Just then my phone rung I rubbed my face roughly that I felt the heat from them stinging, It was my Nanny.  Hello sweetie,  by her voice I could tell she was scared . Nanny what's wrong , is something wrong ? Am so,sorry love your Dad knows the truth and he is very ,very upset so does the council.There was a moment of silence , then she continued...Your Dad is threatening to come and get you , you need to come home, Honey . Don't worry Nanny I will take care of it , I sat on the bed my body was so cold I knew I was in trouble all the heart ache forgotten.  Dad is so , going to kill me and the Council let's just say today wasn't my lucky day , I spent the whole night writing letters to the guys , I even wrote one for Jackson and Vanessa.

Jackson's proverb

When she walked in the house , her eyes all red from the various tears I caused her... it broke me , I felt like the worst person on the planet but then I reminded myself am doing this for her and my family and that kind of consoled me , everyone left so disappointed with me .Dan stayed back to get the truth out of me but I managed to stick with my story , God I would never do any of those things I said to them to anyone, especially not her , not her because I love that girl so much , My parents happen to be in a lot of shit and our company is in the verge of Bankruptcy and vanessa's parents are our only hope,  for them to help us I needed to end it with Alexa and date their daughter who  has been depressed since our break up . I found myself countless of times on her door,  I just wanted to tell her the reasons why I said all those hurtful things and that I will forever love her but I couldn't, my brain stopped me and reminded me of what am risking . I need to think of my family , Family comes first right? But why does it hurt so bad, am broken inside and the worst thing  I can't share my pain with anyone.

Alexa's Proverb

After the guys left for school , I placed the letters on their pillows,  I left for Martin and Paul with Dan , I needed to go to school to pick up some forms. I really can't risk Dad showing up in New York . Reaching at school I was welcomed with Vanessa and her minions laughing at  my face on how stupid I was to think he ever loved me . You two deserve each other and If you think you broke me , think again . I shoved her away and went to the Principal's office for my transfer letter , I fought back tears that were threatening to spill. The Principal said it's going to take one or two days for me to get the letter,  I could see sadness on her face we have actually come to be close believe it or not . I walked myself to class , In the hall way I met various students some were laughing at my face , others had sympathetic looks and other just didn't care , I don't know which I hated more ,let's just say I didn't like either of them. walking in class I found it full and the  only spot remaining was next to Jackson , I walked to the empty sit  sat and minded my business . He kept glancing at me but never once spoke to me , In the middle of the Lecture some student walked in and with that   the teacher informed me I was needed at the Principal's office , After excusing myself I was on my way to the office.  Reaching their I was informed I had an agent call, thanked the receptionist .Picking it up it was Nanny, You Need to Come Home Right Now , Your Dad Just Had An Heart Attack And He His Still Insisting On Coming For You ,Kelly. I didn't even wait for her to finish I was running to class to get my stuff , I can't believe I almost killed my Dad ... What kind of a Daughter am I,  I will never forgive myself if anything bad happens to him and worse It didn't work out . I burged in on my teacher everyone seemed surprised when I did that , I mumble my apologies as I hurried to pack my stuff and get the hell out of here ,As I picked my stuff my tears saw it as the best time to grace me with its presence,  One thing kept running through my mind ,I almost killed him , the man I adore more than anything in this world , My eyes met Jack's and more tears spilled,  HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID, I voiced it out .Alexa...are you okay , is something wrong ?I looked at my teacher who gave me concerning eyes. I nodded and forced my way to her,  I handed her the form for my replacement for both Science club and Debate club .I don't get it , If you just learnt about this emergency then how , I cut her mid-sentence,  I had already decided to go home and this happened to show up . Thank you for everything Madam , With that I was running to actually confront my responsibilities .Never in a million years would I think i would find myself  doing that , I requested for a Lyft and with that my friends ended catching up to me ,Alexa,wait up , I stood there looking at them blankly all my head could think about is my Dad and the glassy eyes didn't help  one bit .What do you mean you are leaving ,you just can't go, Please we can talk about this ,if it has anything to do with yesterday, No Kelly it has nothing to do with that .My Dad just had an Heart attack and my family needs me right now and I was never ment to be here in the first place,  all  it has caused is , nothing but problems,  I need to go , here is my ride but before I leave , I LOVE YOU GUYS SO , SO MUCH . Thank you guys for making my stay worthwhile,  I went in for a group hug .Am going to miss all of you  so much , The girls were crying and even the boys especially Dan we  really had  grown close with each other . Jackson never joined he stood far from us and never  looked at me , I guess he hated me that much , I looked at him, hoping even praying to the gods he  looked at me once ,Sadly it never happened.

So scared for her, what do you think they will do to her ?

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