Getting To know Each Other

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Noel's Proverb

Your Highness I would like to know Alexa, so sorry I mean Kelly well, I know Alexa better and I believe she knows Alec better but I need to know more about Kelly the woman am marrying and she needs to know about Noel the person she will spend the rest of her life with . Both our parents and the Councils exchanged a look and with their permission I was in the car with Noel headed, I actually have no idea but it was good being outside of the Palace. One minute we were on the main road and the next thing he took a diversion , That ended us being in this other world ,well that's how I saw it .

He got out of the car and as a gentleman he rushed to help me out . Wow what a gentleman, Well ,have been called worse , he smiled and was like ,This happens to be one of my secret hideouts. I was left inhaling how beautiful this place is , I was brought back to reality when Alec , I mean Noel snapped me back to reality, we talked about various things and he kept apologising for lying to me , At one moment he thought my lack of response was me showing how pissed  off I was, I once told him I hated people  lying  to my face , I forgot am also one of those people. Noel, I like his real name, it fits him. He studies my face for a moment, I like your name it suits you and am far from mad with you , I too lied to your face so if I have a right to be annoyed so do you .

I finally saw him relaxing, How did you discover this beauty , I pointed to our surrounding? I was actually brought here by someone special. That caught my attention but he never went pass that. Do you mind me asking a question Noel? He looks at me then positions himself to have a better look at me ,Fire away , he says. Why did you leave all of this behind, I pointed to our crowns? I.... I could tell he was struggling with the answer, I lost the two most important people in my life , One of them happened to be my Older brother Alvin and I was expected to take over from where he left like nothing happened, I could tell he was still hurting , In other words I wasn't given the time to grieve them and I knew I was no near him in running the Kingdom, so when a chance presented itself,  I took it without thinking of the rest of the people that still needed me .

We shared a gaze and I knew it was my turn. I , Just wanted to experience a world outside my Kingdom, I grew to love New York because of my brother Fred , whenever he talked about it his face light up , When he failed to fulfill it I saw how he was a mess and I guess I didn't want that for me but now am learning he never gave it up ,he just choose the most important thing FAMILY. We exchanged looks and I learnt there is no difference between Noel and Alec , they both can go from a serious conversation to this Mr.Bean character, I also learnt like Alec ,Noel is hurting more and they both know how to hide it well behind a smile other than that nothing is different, Ooh the hair is also different, Noel's it's dark black and Alec's was brown .

Alexa and Kelly are so different in mostly physical appearance , Alexa had Emerald green eyes like mine but Kelly has Sea blue eyes looking up close but at a distance you would mistake them for Sky Blue, Alexa had Curley brown hair but Kelly has this epic straight dark black hair that rested perfectly on her back but the kindness in both their eyes is the same and the laugh , I love that laugh .We talked about our likes and dislikes and we got to understand each other better , We also made some ground rules that would help with our relationship , Like we only become lovey dovey in public that includes the kissing and getting touchy touchy. We also agreed to be sleeping in separate rooms after the marriage. He took me home and gave me a goodnight kiss on the cheeks . Walking in the house I found my siblings waiting patiently for me . You two seem to know each other well and if I may add his not that old Michelle commented, I too need to make the same mistake to get guys like that my way. I ended up knocking her head lightly . His Noel , I actually knew him as Alec back at the university, we were actually besties ,we still are said that smiling widely . Ooh, so best friends getting married nice Alex says .

Are you okay with getting married to him ? Fred asks seriously , I nodded I admit it would be like marrying one of you but it's better than getting married to an old fellow, they all agreed. I spent the night dreaming about Jackson, how he confessed he loved me , how his lips were so firm and possessive against mine , I miss his kisses so much and his cuddling don't get me started, I miss him so much . Then reality kicked in , he was only pretending , he never loved me and that's the truth .Damn it that voice won't give me a break.

Is it easier for Best friends to get married than to marry  strangers?

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