The Show

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We have already arrange the characters, Jackson and Vanessa will be playing lead character Katherine and Petruchio , Daniel and Alexa will play , Lucentio and Bianca, Paul will play Hortensio , Kelly will play The widow , Martin plays Christopher Sly , Luke gets to play The Local Landlord, Mark plays Tranio , Vincentia will be played by Albert, Baptista will be played by Mike ,Biondello will get to be acted with Arsh and Gramio will be played with Henry, I will be your Manager Ester says .

Most of you guys know your lines but we still need to perfect them guys, we need commitment , teamwork but  mostly we need to enjoy ourself guys Ester completes with a smile . As soon as Ester finishes her remarkable speech we get to through the characters and I was thankful the guys had dropped the all Love topic issue , I will be playing Bianca , she is referred as the most beautiful girl ever , the story was written by William Shakespeare between 1590-1592 .

It starts with Christopher Sly being tricked to believe he's a Nobleman by the Local Landlord due to his drink state ,he still refuses the claim until when he was introduced to his wife , who was a peg man pretending to be his wife, he wants to be left alone with his wife but he was told a play had been organised for him .

The play began with Lucentio arriving in Italy city of Padua ,with two of  his servants Tranio and Biondello to attend the local university, Lucentio was excited to begin his studies but soon his priorities changes when he saw Bianca a mild young woman who already had two suitors  named ,Gremio and Hortensio, Bianca's father Baptisa had already made it clear that no one was to date Bianca until his elder Daughter, who was vicious, ill- tempered Katherine is married, Lucentio decided to pass himself as Bianca's Latin tutor to be close to her , Hortensio did the same thing by being her Music teacher while Tranio dressed up as Lucentio and confers with Baptisa about the possibility of marrying his daughter.

The suitors of Bianca's are fixed when the friend of Hortensio Petruchio a brash young man from Verona arrives in Padua to find a wife , he does not care how the girl is as long as she's wealthy, he agrees to marry Katherine without even seeing her , the next day he goes to Baptisa to meet her and they have a tremendous duel of words, he tells her he will marry her whether she agrees or not , Petruchio tells Baptista that Katherine has agreed to marry him and the wedding is organised to be on a Sunday.

Katherine is strangely silent and the wedding is set , Lucentio ends up winning Bianca's heart with a Latin translation that declares his love to her, Hortensio makes the same attempt with Music but he fails.

Tranio managers to secure an approval for Lucentio to marry Bianca by proposing a huge sum of money . Baptista agrees but wants the amount to be confirmed with Lucentio's father, they look for an old man to play the father of Lucentio but in the long run Lucentio and Bianca elope with each other .

Katherine was taken to Petruchio country after the weeding, he forced Katherine to say the sun is the moon and that an old man is indeed a really beautiful young man , on there way they met with Vincentio ,father to  Lucentio who was also going to pay a visit to his son .

Bianca and Lucentio were also back in Padua and are spreading news of their marriage. Hortensio married a widow, the three husbands stage a contest to see which wife will obey first when summoned. Everyone expected Lucentio to win but Bianca sent a message by refusing to obey while Katherine came immediately, Petruchio ended up winning astonishingly and they happily leave the banquet to go to bed .

Christopher Sly decides he too was going to ' tame' his wife like how Petruchio did his . But in our play we decided to add some dancing at the end mostly the lead characters will do most of the dancing . Thanks again Alexa for introducing us to this story . Back home we would act it mostly on the Eve of Christmas and doing something that reminds me of home just makes me happy , home wasn't always that bad ,we did have our moments, don't get me wrong but ,the guys wanted to act Romeo and juliet.

I have nothing against it but ,  have never understood  what the fuss is all about , in other words have never been it's biggest fun and if am right a lot of schools will be performing it, leaving most of us to disadvantages.

TAMING OF THE SHREW, it's just unique and fun the other is just  ...Sad .with you by our side am sure we will win this thing . Paul says . No...guys the story will only work if we work together and have one another's back , I may know the story by heart but you guys are the heart of the play , trust me .

The smiles they had was satisfying, I just hope everything goes as planned. The next two weeks we already have  our costumes , have  learn our dance moves , only one week to go and things looked perfect until now .What do you mean Vanessa backed out , she can't back out ,she's the main character, this will ruin everything, where are we supposed to find someone who can replace her Jackson . What are you two even fighting about , just make up with her , am sure it's nothing serious .You guys always fight then make up , why is this time different especially now ?

Would you stop Alexa , just stop it , She and I just have a lot of issues and putting things off doesn't mean we are okay . Am sorry...I just , God ,What are we going to do , Am desperate here, I need us to perform so I can be able to pass this semester, that's why  have been working my butt off here . Everyone had on  shock  expression and one could clearly tell they are  all stressed out.  I know , I got it , we should just switch roles , Ester can play Bianca and you Alexa can Play Katherine, you know each and everyone's lines , this will work I can bet my life it will. Says Kelly.

Everyone's eyes were on me , Sorry guys but I can't switch my roll , I know much of you will say am a selfish Bitch but it's nothing like that , in the last two weeks have tried my best to avoid Jackson ,my feelings towards him are messed up and me being close to him.. it's just not going to help either of us .

I gazed at Jackson he still gives me  that weird look he's been giving me . At the same time i also can't let the crew suffer and i also need this myself . If it's for the group am in ,  said it so silently like it was killing me , how am going to survive this especially that ,dance . I had seen them rehearse it and their closeness now me that close to him  AM DEAD , SO DEAD .

Teamwork is important to succeed but I believe everyone needs to be in harmony with it ,right?

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