The struggles are Real .

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It has been three weeks since I joined the University ,so far I have been able to speak to four teachers who have agreed to give me a makeup test,  have joined two clubs that is The Debate club , The Ambassador club , the Principal made it clear I need to have three clubs to be able to pass this Semester,  whenever we meet she goes like ,Miss. Blast I need that final club tik tok while pointing at her clock .Yesterday when we met she was like , You've got till Friday to jion the last club , am so desperate that have considered joining the cheerleader club but sadly I can't jump too high or shake at all and also because Vanessa is the captain.

In this three weeks we haven't gotten in the right foot , she just hates me , I also considered joining Music Club but I couldn't sing if my life depended on it , When it comes to swimming club I wouldn't consider it even if  my life was on the line,  it was this beautiful summer Dad decided to take us out, we went to this beautiful river , God ... it was the second heaven on this Earth first is Niagara Fall , Alex and Fred decided we go swimming and I was in , I ended up drowning...I remember swallowing whole lots of water and being so scared, I could barely breath since that incident the only water I can get in is the bathtub.

  Two of my tests are also scheduled on Friday, add that with the assignment and projects I really don't know what I was thinking about . My Friends have been convincing me to jion the Drama club , I myself would love that but the tension between Jackson , Vanessa and I just won't let that happen , I spend most of the time with the guys but only when Vanessa and Jackson are not around when they join us , I always have a lot of unfinished businesses going on .

It's  lunch time  the guys and I are serving ourselves.  Still don't understand it , you are giving yourself whole lots of stress while you can just  jion our club and that burden will be gone , Kelly says .  I wish it was easy as that but you guys know I can't  , Jackson can't even stand me and I too can't stand him , Vanessa hates my guts she thinks I want to take everything that she cares about from her , So far we are competing against sciences and Mathematics representatives of the school , joining her club  will be the worst mistake have ever done  . You yourself told us that you can't  sing , swim and cheerleading is not even an option,  Ester spoke . No ... I actually said I can't  sing , can't do cheerleading and swimming is not even to be considered. I was this close... Ester said gesturing with her hand .

Come on just try the Drama club , you never know what happens,  Jackson is a sweetheart.  You don't say I cut Ester short.  He is , you two just started in a wrong footing , I believe ones you two get to know one another you may become friends or even BFF . I Laughed at that out loud... BFF who are you Kidding. Please just try it , if you won't like it we promise we'll drop it , Kelly concluded.  I don't know ... guys really , I just don't want problems .Try it and what better time than now , all the guys are in the theater room Kelly says . I never knew the theater was that far or it's just me due to my slow walking  , the girls were right beside me telling me this is the best decision have ever made  and finally we'll get to spend more time together.

we reached the theatre entrance and I heard the girls informing the rest that I wanted to audition,  I still hadn't gathered courage to walk in when Daniel came and pushed me in . You've got  this he whispered in my ears , Looking around Kelly got nothing wrong , they were all there that includes Vanessa.  Martin handed me a dialogue,  we are all rooting for you he smiled at me and with that he was gone .I love Martin's eyes aquamarine in colour and held ways of calming someone down . Having a look at it I was to play a crying character and I automatically knew I didn't make the club .

I haven't cried in  forever,  how am I suppose to pull this out . Something wrong ... we ain't got a lifetime here to wait till your ready , Jackson spoke , Looking at him , he seemed bored like he would be using this time am wasting to do something productive.  I wouldn't want to make you late , said it so sarcastically that I saw anger written all over his face . With that said I was already on the stage , I went through the dialogue one more time and I was going to kill it just to rub it on  his face  and his girlfriend's face.

When it came to the crying part I just pictured the hurt faces of my family when they realize where am actually at , every dramatic part did it so effortlessly,  My Dad always said I am too  dramatic so in the last five years I had perfected it . When I was done all the guys we up clapping and most of them were  shading  tears while ... except one Jackson , Vanessa was up with the guys clapping I really didn't expect that but when reality hit her she too sat down next to her Boyfriend trying to compose herself .

The guys came hugging me telling me I so killed it .Ooh , Please anyone would have done that , it  wasn't that big of a deal, Vanessa commented .Ooh really  have never seen you act that good Vanessa  Paul says . Can everyone shut up , Jackson screamed at them , all of you we need to have a talk , the guys excused themselves and went where Jackson had moved , they tried to talk as low as possible but I could still hear it all

I get it guys,  she is your friend and any of you will kill to have her join us but I agree with Vanessa anyone can pull that of and beside I thought we all agreed we were no longer doing auditions . None of them spoke anything , She doesn't cut to be in this  club and I know some of you think I plainly don't like her but she's not that good , she has nothing that makes her unique in plain words she is 'Talentless ' .

I could see the shock in  everyone's  faces , they were about to protest but I stepped in .Thanks again for whispering but have heard everything and I completely agree with Jackson,  he was taken back by that . I my be desperate but not to the extend of begging to jion a club . Beside am too ' Talentless ' for this club, they all looked at me like  I have gone mad, but  in my opinion.. am too  Talented for this group , no offense guys,  thanks again for the audition and I know I smashed it .

I met his eyes winked at him and I was gone . I left the room fuming with anger but I thank God I was taught to bottle up my emotions , I was going to join the music club and will make him eat everything he just said about me . Alexa wait ... the guys followed they all thought I was crying but to their surprise I had never felt better, Sorry ... about Jackson , Daniel said . Would you guys stop , stop apologising for all his mistakes, it doesn't help ,anyway have already made up my mind an joining  Music club .

You don't know how to sing remember Paul pointed it out , So does everyone when they start but they learn and am a pretty fast  learner if I may  say , I left them there looking perplexed.  God I hate that guy with every vain in my body .

What do you think of Vanessa's and Jackson's attitude toward Alexa ?

THE RIGHT CHOICEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora