They all know

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It has almost been five months since I have been dating  Jackson and I can't say it's been Rose's and Colours through out , he invited me once to meet his parents and they both made sure to tell me I was not their approval for their son, that I had nothing to offer to them or their son , If they only knew I could offer them whatever they desired and more.My guilt has been eating me up , I can't believe I started a relationship with a lie , if I learnt anything those kind of relationship don't last , so have made up my mind to tell Jackson about my real identity and hopefully he will love Kelly  as much as he loves Alexa .Alec and the guys have been inseparable,  I think Kelly my have a crush on him but Alec is , so far away from realising what he wants himself,  for the last couple of months have known him ,he has alot on his plate , one can't tell that easily because of his cheerful nature but if you really look carefully you will see a person who's  hurting,  really hurting and I  have found myself multiple times just hugging him for no reason at all , just wishing that would somehow help and hoping one day he may just share some of it with me or anyone else  to just ease it . Am on the way home with the girls , the boys had an important match that they weren't willing to miss even if the world was ending .

Alec's Proverb

The boys are so going to kill me , am an hour late and I bet the match has already started or even ended.  To really say the truth am not that much of a fan , Just joining them to show my support and New York traffic wasn't helping one bit . I was about to knock on  the door but stopped myself when I overheard something. Today also  I met up with Vanessa,  Jack was telling the boys . What do you mean by  met with her again , don't tell me it has happened more than once?  Dan inquired.  I couldn't answer that. I thought i warned you to say away from Vanessa,  Jack , Martin hissed.  I know but no matter how hard I try it's like the universe always finds away to make sure we meet . Don't get me wrong these months with Alexa have been magical and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world  but I think , I am still in love with Vanessa. what do you mean by that ,  I thought you  were never in  love with her In the first place ? Paul asked with Venom . I think I was Paul , especially with what happened yesterday,  I was about to burst through the doors and beat the crap out of him but I so badly wanted to know what happened yesterday,  Alec speaking.  What happened yesterday Jack? Martin ordered for an answer.  My parents and I got invited to their home for a dinner party , After dinner she wanted to show me something in her room . Please tell me  you didn't go Jack , Dan begged me . I did go and immediately we entered her room she jumped on me and started kissing me , pulling me closer to her and one thing lead to another one . what the hell do you mean by one thing lead to another one ,Jack ? They all asked me , I could see the shock they all had on their faces . It was a moment of weakness trust me , I don't even know what came over  me . I found myself in front of the guys saying I was furious would be an understatement,  Jackson and the rest were shocked,  Jackson came to me to try and explain but I found myself landing on him multiple punches. How could you do that to her ,I was ready to kill someone,  I warned you , I begged you not to hurt her and you  promised me she was your life ,that you will never even dream of hurting her , but really saying  the truth I was more upset with myself than him because I talked her into dating this Asshole,  I should have know you are a good for nothing,  he was on the floor fighting me back too but I over powered him , I was about to land him another punch when that voice that I have come to grown to care for stopped me . What the hell is going on here , Jack was on the floor with a broken nose and a black eye and I still felt he deserved more , the guys had tried to break us apart  but they too were unable .What is happening here she was now shouting at the both of us ? Am asking a question damn it someone  fucking answer it .Why don't you ask your stupid Boyfriend what he did , come on Jerk speak up before I land more punches on you .Alexa walked towards Jack and you could see the worried look she gave him .He held her hands tightly,  Last night I met up with Vanessa,  with that said she pushed herself away  from him and maintained some distance between them , Then what ? She demanded for answers,  she invited my parents and I for dinner ,he barely had the guts to look at her , she wanted to show me something in her room , one thing lead to the next and we , she cut him , YOU SLEPT WITH HER , It was more of an answer than a question, She said it so low am surprised we all heard her , tears were now spilling from her eyes . Answer me Damn it , she screamed.  He just nodded , with that my tears spilled and spilled I could barely look at him, I had so many emotions all at once but mostly the one to kill was stronger. There was only one condition I agreed to date you with and that was Never hurt me like this , I told you about my previous relationships and how they ended badly , you promised you won't hurt me jack , why... because I wasn't ready for that you saw fit to sleep with her , how did it feel Jack  , come on , how did it feel, did you enjoy it
, Look at me , so you have the  nerve to cheat on me and not look at me . Look at me you Son of a gun I was now slapping him so hard that my hands were burning,  the guys pulled me away from him , Dan was now holding me , I trust you more than anyone ...then you go and sleep with the girl you dumped for me , Was this some kind of a plan or was it both of yours to just see how stupid I am . Yes it was he screamed at me , Vanessa needed my help with some movie her director wanted about PRETEND LOVE ,So she asked me for help and I willingly accepted it because I LOVE HER MORE THAN LIFE ,I was now holding him by the sleeves of his shirt,  So you choose me to fool like that,  Why me ? What have I ever done to you Jack , What ? Have the guts to look at me , he never once did and that made me so  upset  . Please tell me your joking Jack , please am begging you , You love me right , You said you love me and I meant the  world to you,please. It's all true Alexa , I never loved you , I choose you because you reminded me of Kelly the first girl I have ever loved,  I don't know why that hurt more than the reason he was playing me , Maybe because i knew it and i just didn't want to accept it .I found myself being dragged away from him with Alec , Alec was able to get me out of the house but not before i gave him one last slap across that stupid face of his . Reaching the backyard  I fell on the ground crying my eyes out , Am so stupid , so ,so stupid,  What was I thinking , that he loves me, me of all people .Dad and everyone was right I need to grow up , this is no fantasy this is reality Alec and it sucks , It hurt so much Alec , I was holding onto him crying out , it hurts . He held me  tightly like he was the one that hurt me, telling me how sorry he was and promising to alway have my back .I know you are hurt and probably won't find sense in what am saying but ...whenever I was down my Mom used to tell me something that made sense always , There is always a rainbow after a fall of a heavy rain,  which means in the darkest time of a person there is always going to be something good that comes after that , I guess... am not that sure too , I looked up at him and he had this confused look that made me smile. How is it whenever am down you always manage to make me feel somehow better?  Let's just say am your Guardian Angel,  now cry it all out because tomorrow is a new day and you are too strong to let them have the last laugh,  I hugged him closer I was really glad he was in my life but still so, so hurt I felt like I was being stabbed multiple times  through my heart  and it fucking hurt.

So hurt 😭😭, am considering joining the other team .

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