The Wedding

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I have been in the Hugh's house for a week now , I will be heading home today , the wedding preparations have already started , well they actually started the day I met Noel, as usual the Councils are also in charge of that. I have seen some of their work and... if am actually speaking honestly, it's very impressive, they have included all historical facts of both Kingdoms and so far it looks magnificent.

I actually am quite happy they are in charge , they kinda removed that pressure and stress that accompanies a wedding ,leading me to enjoy some peace of mind and just focusing on my wedding day , my twin's parents have agreed to stay for the wedding and I couldn't be happier, it will somehow feel like she's there with me , I still haven't opened Kelly's letter , everytime am this close ,I always make some kind of excuse to avert the moment but, I have decided to open it today or tomorrow, no pressure right ? Cry it out and smile afterwards for the fact she left something behind for me .

We are really gonna miss having you around Siz , Partick says that pulling me for a hug, it still sounds weird them calling me that . Staying with the Hugh's hasn't been uncomfortable or anything like that as I thought , maybe because I was somehow used of them , they really made me feel at home . But secretly am... so happy to be going home , I know ...I know it's wrong, but I just can't help it . I will still be visiting most of the time , that you will hardly realise am not around. Promise?Both Nathan and Steve  asked lovingly. Promise , I hugged the three of them tightly.

My parents insisted on coming for me themselves . Stephanie had tears in her eyes already , I wish I had more time with you , Honey . I was considering staying for another week but the Councils wouldn't have any of it , it's the last moments of the wedding  preparations and am needed there, that and my gown will be arriving tomorrow from Paris .I will come back to visit and beside we will still be seeing each other everyday , the only difference is that I will not be sleeping here . I say  that wiping the various tears that were spilling from her sad face.

After the various hugs I was headed home , am very happy about the wedding but at the same time so anxious , scared that's the right definition and that's from only seeing the guest list , I honestly know thirty people from the one million guest list I was given. I tried to talk to the councils to reduce that number but they wouldn't barge, they made sure to tell me how most of the guests are very influential people , so am stuck with a million guest and a wedding gown am definitely sure am gonna hate but the only thing comforting me is , am marrying the man I love more than life itself.

Yesterday he kind of asked me about my vows to him and I freaked out because... honestly speaking, I don't have one yet , not on a paper at least but I have it on my mind . I can't wait to hear his ,am sure am going to be crying like a baby in front of one fucking million guests, excuse my French.we have been restricted from seeing one another especially the week before the wedding , both the Kingdoms have this insane myth on the various horrible things that can happen if we go against it , but since we both don't believe in it , we have been sneaking around seeing each other in secret mostly at the Orphanage.

After this beautiful family dinner . Headed to my room to sleep instead I ended up talking with Mine for hours , found myself sleeping at one in the morning. I woke up so late , apparently I slept through gown fitting sessions. Arriving downstairs I was greeted with disappointed faces from the councils, I tried to apologise but they wouldn't have any of it . We went straight to the fitting and once my eyes landed on my gown , I had an urge to commit murder. This dress is hideous, the worst thing I have ever seen in my life . I was fuming, I honestly felt tears threatening to spill. Looking at the councils hoping they could at least read my face , they had this satisfying looks on their stupid faces .

Mom walks  in a few minutes later and one could tell she too was shocked at how ugly that dress is . She walks  to me and just comforts me no words needed . With that my tears spill . The councils had the nerves to ask me if my tears were tears of joy, can you believe that . The only interesting thing about this dress is the colour ,Emerald Green reminds me alot of Mine's beautiful eyes and the veil, one of the longest veil have ever seen in my whole life . This dress is worth every penny,Madam. Warren one of the councils commented happily. Try it on , Sir . Erick ordered me. I look at my Mom for help but she pleads  with me through her eyes to go along .

This dress looks heavy I mentally tell myself , heavy is an understatement, now that I have it on , It feels like am carrying an entire house , maybe it's due to the various stupid diamonds on it . Madam.warren pushes a pair of heels my way and I feel  like throwing them on her face , but sadly gracefully took them and even added a thank you . Wore the heels, held my head high ,slayed the walking that made me earn satisfying smiles . The dress had one more problem that they only seemed to have noticed it now ,it ended up being baggy, those satisfying smiles flipped. How comes the dress is big , Madam Valentine another Council asks mad . We got your measurements right, then what in God's name is happening? Do you know this is going to cost us time, time that we can't afford. Sir. Erick fumes. I stand their looking at their confused faces, insidely hoping they don't find a solution to this problem, one I can't gain weight in a week to fit in this dress, that will just be unrealistic and honestly they can't adjust it , because that can only happen if they send it back , which they don't have time for . I look  at my mom and she had a smile playing on her lips . We share this look and I knew everything is going to be okay .

They dismiss me , left them thinking of various solutions, met up with Alex and he too happened to have seen that hideous dress. Can't believe they wanted my Doll to wear that on her special day . He says that hugging me . What did you do Alex? He has  his chicky smile on . Well let's just say I took care of your problem, your welcome. Alex ... I am happy but at the same time mad , you may get in trouble for that . Well... I don't care , and I won't, since it's only me and you that know I had something to do with the dress not fitting. He gives me his famous smile. How can I be upset with him after that cute smile that I love so much . Thank you so much for always having my back . Anytime and anywhere, promise . He says  that planting a kiss on my forehead.

A few days have passed and tomorrow is the big day and am  nervous can't explain what am feeling right now , am in my room with the girls , they decided to throw me something small. But all I could think of is , tomorrow am going to be Mine's wife ,with the thought excitement creeps in .Is this how one feels before there wedding... happy ,scared ,anxious and then happy all of a sudden again . Is this how his feeling too? I miss him and the kids so much . God tomorrow is my wedding and I still don't have a dress, yeah you heard me right , I don't have a wedding gown and tomorrow is my wedding.

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