52. Fifty 2

95 6 6

1039 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 24 2021
Posted May 17 2021

When Saguru woke up the next morning, he felt completely and utterly exhausted despite having slept. Feeling disgusting from all his crying and in dire need of a shower, the blond forced himself out of his bed. His eyes stung, hopefully he wouldn't look as horrible as he felt once he was refreshed. There was so much that needed to be done, he couldn't afford to mope around in bed all day. Even if he really wanted to.

Saguru resisted checking his phone for any updates in favour of grabbing what he needed for his desired shower. If he checked the phone, he'd be tempted to keep checking it. Ignoring it for now was the better option. He needed to at least get himself to look presentable.

The shower ended up being a quick and simple thing. The only thing he did differently was applying some makeup to hide the dark circles under his eyes. It was a skill he'd learned from living with Kaito for so long. Putting on the makeup around his eyes had long since stopped feeling weird to him. Once Saguru was satisfied that he looked as well as he could, he headed out of his room.

He was actually a little surprised to see that Yozora had already started to eat breakfast. The girl had located Kaito's Lucky Charms, a cereal that was much too sweet for Saguru's own tastes "Good morning" He greeted, glad that the girl had felt comfortable enough to get food for herself "Did you sleep well?"

Yozora nodded, noting that Saguru looked really tired "Good morning, I slept really well" It had been hard not to with how soft and comfy everything had been. It had been nice to wake up snuggled up to the giant stuffed fox. She contemplated asking if he slept well but decided not to "What is today's schedule?"


"Kaito and Shinichi always told me what was going to happen since they were often really busy"

"Ah, makes sense" Saguru pondered his answer for a few moments before replying "I'm not completely sure, but there are a few things that I hope will get done" He pulled out some Cheerios for himself since it would be weird to cook something while Yozora ate cereal "I'd like to obtain your phone, install some locks, have you pick out some other items, and get an update about both your legal status along with Kaito and Shinichi's conditions" He'd also like for Yozora to have a medical checkup but the girl would need to be comfortable enough to allow that.

Yozora blinked "I'm going outside again?" It still felt odd to think about actually going outside.

"If you feel up to it" Saguru offered a small smile "We'll go to a toy store and you can get whatever you want within reason" Seeing the start of a frown Saguru continued "Kaito and I are really rich, it's hard to spend it all" The girl may be very mature for her age, but he wanted her to have a chance to be the kid that she was. She could get young child toys for all he cared, just so long as it was something that the girl wanted "We'll also hit a bookstore to get things for the both of us"

The thought of obtaining even more stuff... Yozora couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, yet at the same time she also felt a bit curious. It wasn't like she would be forced to get things, Saguru had said that they'd be getting whatever she wanted so if she wanted nothing, they'd get nothing "Okay, I want to go out" She'd never been inside a store before.

Saguru nodded "We can head leave the store too if you start to feel too overwhelmed" He was probably overwhelming the girl now just be looking at her face "The only really important things that need to be done are out of our hands at the moment so there's no rush"

Yozora bit her lip "But what if I don't stay? Wouldn't it be a waste?" It was a question that she felt like she had to ask. Sure she was mostly on board with staying, but it still felt too soon to really decide yet.

Gold softened "It wouldn't be a waste, we would have just ended up helping someone in need out" They'd ensure that Yozora would be able to take what she wanted with her if she did leave.

Oh... That made her feel a bit better. The girl eyed Saguru "Could we go tomorrow? You look really tired today" She was no stranger to seeing people use makeup to hide how tired they were. Those people who'd kept her had liked to keep everyone looking nice.

"I appreciate the thought Yozora" Saguru gave a tired but genuine smile "But I'd just end up moping in bed all day if I'm not kept busy"

The girl nodded in understanding "Being busy really helps, I've learned a lot due to that" So maybe the toy store wasn't just for herself after all... "I'm curious to see what kinds of books I can learn from"

"There's too many to even start naming" Saguru paused "Though you might like my favourite fiction series about Sherlock Holmes" He couldn't not suggest it "You're not going to go to school this year, so we'll buy lots of books to catch you up and maybe even get you ahead if you're up to it" Yozora needed to be introduced and comfortable in society before she went to school. That wasn't even factoring in how much she could be behind.

"... That name sounds familiar" Had she read the name or had Kaito or Shinichi mentioned it?

Gold lit up "Shinichi is a very big fan of the series, Kaito not so much" At least the other had actually read the books before judging it. Apparently already knowing the solutions before reading them had made Kaito enjoy them less. That was the problem with something so popular or at least well known, it got referenced a lot.

"I might try it then" If it was too high level, she'd wait until she could read it. The last time she'd tried to read a difficult book had been horrible, it hadn't been enjoyable at all. 

Me: How could Saguru not mention Sherlock Holmes? It wouldn't make sense~ 

Comment? ^-^

>~< I like lollipops made of condensed powdered sugar... I like them so much that I eat so many until my tongue hurts, and then eat more

>~> I rarely buy them because of this

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