18. Potion

210 20 24

1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 2 2020
Posted July 20 2020
NEXT UPDATE August 3 2020

❗️I've decided that the last update day of each month will not have updates for the MK/DC fandom❗️

"It's nice to see you again Kaito" Akako's red eyes were gleaming in a way that made the magician want to exit the room. Kaito grimaced as her gaze took in his appearance, as if studying him, a dark smile tugged at the red witch's lips "You seem to be doing well"

Kaito flashed her a grin, despite his unease "Of course!" He had an amazing partner and great friends. His hand swiftly moved in front of his face, easily catching the item that the other had just thrown at him. Indigos blinked in confusion as he studied the item, it was one of Akako's potion vials, and it was filled with a shimmering red liquid "What is this?" He'd have thought that it was blood if not for the way it reflected a bit of the room's light as it moved.

Red gleamed, a mischievous smirk crossing over her face "It won't hurt you, and the cost has already been paid for you"

The magician turned his gaze away from the vial to study Akako "Already paid?" He hadn't missed that the other had neglected to answer his question.

"Trust me" At Kaito's dubious expression she smiled "Okay, then trust the person willing to make a deal with a witch for you" It had been an interesting interaction to say the least, one that she'd never even thought of.

Indigos narrowed as he frowned at the vial, not many people knew that Akako was a witch "Please tell me that Shinichi's blood isn't a main ingredient" It seems like Shinichi had neglected to tell them that Akako had been the witch that he'd met. Now that he thought about it, the other's explanation had been quite vague.

Akako nodded "I won't" Which meant that blood was definitely an ingredient.

Gah, blood was an ingredient "Why'd you go crazy cutting him up?" Kaito grimaced as he popped off the lid, swiftly downing the potion in an attempt to escape from the taste, almost choking from how unexpectedly thick the liquid was. Bleh, it tasted like blood, which wasn't too surprising.

"I needed to carve certain symbols during the blood drawing" She tilted her head "Afterwards, I cut him up to hide the symbols" Even though they hadn't been that intricate since the actual runes had been drawn with blood.

Okay, so the sleuth had gotten involved with Akako to perform blood magic, that was maybe just a little alarming "Since I've already taken the potion, will you tell me what it did?" He didn't really feel any different than before.

Red softened "It's to stabilize you better" The magician's existence as a 'non-human yet human' was odd. He wasn't, yet at the same time he was, human.

Kaito blinked "So I won't need to take crazy amounts of vitamins and minerals anymore?" Ai often prescribed him new ones or took some away depending on the results of each checkup. The amount of calcium and vitamin D alone that he took was enough to give a normal person kidney stones, fortunately that obviously didn't happen with him.

Akako smiled "In a way, yes. Your body will be more efficient in maintaining itself" Which will make things a lot more simple for the magician "But I'd advise attempting conception for at least two months until the potion finishes it's job" At Kaito's confused look she explained "The potion will be fixing your body's regulation, so it would be best if it's attuned to your normal condition" It'd just mess with his body more if he did manage to conceive before things settled.

"Okay" It was a little disappointing, but at least he could be with Saguru the normal human way. He was silent for a few moments "Why couldn't this have been done years ago?" He wasn't angry, just curious.

"I hadn't even thought about the possibility until Kudo brought it up" She admitted with a small shrug "The payment didn't mean much to him so he volunteered"

Indigos narrowed "What was the payment exactly?" Making a deal with a witch, even if they were friendly could be risky. Especially since the witch couldn't always choose a specific payment depending on the deal.

Akako smirked "Part of it was to fill the missing role in our old deal regarding your glamour" She wasn't saying the other part because it clearly hadn't mattered to the sleuth.

"Oh" He'd almost forgotten about the deal. Kaito couldn't help but grimace, Shinichi, Aoko's, and Akako's DNA mixed together with his own magic essence... The child would be terrifying. His mood dampened at the thought of children.

Red softened "Don't worry, Aoko and I aren't ready for a child yet" Hopefully by the time they were, Kaito would already have a Kid. Both her and Aoko agreed that while Kaito would agree at any time, it would probably be like rubbing salt in the wound considering the magician's predicament. They weren't that cruel.

Kaito eyed the other "I'm ready to complete my part of the deal whenever" His gaze softened "But thanks for helping me" She could be creepy, but she was a good friend.

Akako nodded "We should head down to check on how lunch is coming along" He paused, gaze flickering towards her cauldron "Unless you want to help me make some more potions?"

The magician shivered, wings rustling, allowing some loose feathers to fall out. He bend down, easily collecting them "You can have these instead" They were apparently great potion ingredients "I am not going to help any more than that today" It was always tiring to work on potions and he didn't feel up to the task.

"Very well" The red witch gracefully accepted the feathers, storing them away safely "You should collect all of your discarded feathers instead of wasting them"

Kaito snorted "I'm good with not giving you an unlimited source of my DNA" He knew enough about magic to know that doing so would be completely stupid.

Akako sighed, exuding false disappointment "It's a pain that you're not as naive when it comes to magic anymore" She'd tricked him with many harmless things in the past until he'd learned better.

Me: So Akako didn't give a clear and precise explanation~

It's more fun that way XP

Hope you enjoyed~

0~0 I usually read over 100k words a day... often 200k

I wish I could erase memory of books so that I can enjoy them blind all over again

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