Chapter 4

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"Would it be stupid to say I've fallen for you?"

I bit my lip as Todoroki stood still in silence and his hands at his side. I nodded my head and went to turn around out of embarrassment.

"If I said it was stupid, then I'd be a hypocrite." My eyes widened at Todoroki continued to look through the rack of clothing with a blush on his face.

It wasn't exactly a romance novel confession but it was enough for me.

"Are you admitting to feeling the same for me as I do for you?" He slowly nodded and I began to smile.

"Then would you be willing to classify this as a first date?" Todoroki looked up from the rack with a quiet yes and held up an All Might shirt.

I openly laughed as Todoroki grabbed my hand and rushed to the cashier to buy the shirt. Even as he payed out hands stuck together.

We stopped by a couple places that caught my attention before grabbing an ice cream. Our time ran out and we had to meet up at the classes rendezvous point. I continued to lick my vanilla ice cream as Todoroki ate away at his matcha green tea ice cream.

Our few bags filled with our items swung between us by our linked hands. Our date was ended by seeing officers questioning Izuku and Suto.

"What happened, is everyone okay?" Sero turned to me with a frown and began explaining.

"That hand guy from USJ attacked Midoriya and threatened him. I don't know how you didn't hear about it earlier?" I looked over to Todoroki who gripped my hand tighter.

"I guess Shoto and I got so caught up that we didn't notice." My shoulders dropped at my inability to notice not only one friend, but two friends, were in trouble.

"Is Midoriya okay?" Kaminari nodded at Todoroki and explained that I'd Suto didn't show up Izuku probably would have been hurt.

They weren't able to find Tomura Shirigaki, that man was really starting to annoy, anger, and scare me all at once. Everyone called their parents to pick them up and I called Ichirou to pick me up.

Todoroki stayed with me to wait knowing I was slightly scared.

"Do you want a ride, I'm sure Ichirou wouldn't mind?" Todoroki nodded and continued to let me play with his fingers as his hand sat in my lap.

"Shoto, about earlier today." His attention turned away from the sky to me as I began to speak.

"Are we in a relationship? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" I cringed at the childish sounding words.

"I would like that, but only if you would to." I smiled at Todoroki and gave him a firm nod.

"Thank you for sticking around Shoto." I slowly leaned into his side and waited for any type of reaction, whether it be positive or negative.

"That's what friends are for, and I'll continue to stay as your friend." He looked down at me again and kissed the top of my head, an action he probably saw between two lovers earlier in his life.

"And as your lover."

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