Chapter 14

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"You're a dragon?!" I looked at Cathleen and Suto as they gawked at me.

"Yeah, it comes with my quirk. I can stay like that for 3 days usually before it takes a toll on my body." I grabbed the bowl of meat and got to slicing and preparing it.

"How are you so good with preparing meat?" I smiled at Cathleen as she peeled potatoes.

"My fathers owns a Yakiniku restaurant back home, I used to work there in my free time." I put the meat aside and someone from 1-B came and picked it up for the stew.

I went to the sink and washed my hands from the meat before bumping into Todoroki.

"Hey Shoto." I smiled up at him as he slightly smiled back.

"How's your training going, it must be uncomfortable in that metal drum."

"A little, but it's helping me improve. Are you doing okay, you did a lot of training today after not using your quirk for a long time." Todoroki moved to pet my head as I greeted the gesture with a grin.

"I'm fine, a little hungry but that can wait. Thank you for worrying about me though."

"It's part of my job to worry about you."

"Job?" My grin dropped and I felt my stomach tense up.

"We're in a relationship, are we not?"

"Shoto, being in a relationship shouldn't feel like a job. Does our relationship feel like a job to you?"

"No. I must have worded it wrong, it feels like I'm meant to protect you." I tried not to over think what he said since we're both new to the entire relationship thing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel upset."

"It's fine, we're both new to relationships so I assume we're going to hit patches like this." Todoroki put down the pot of water he was holding and wrapped his arms around me.

"We should get back to work." I nodded and reached up to kiss Todoroki's cheek before leaving his embrace.

I went back to the girls and helped them peel potatoes and chop them.

"You guys, your hands aren't moving. We'll never make the best stew if you stop now!" Suto, Cathleen, and I began laughing at Iida as he took over potato peeling.

The group of 1-B boys looked confused and scared as Iida continued on about the importance of the potatoes in the stew.

"Don't worry, he's always like this."

Soon enough the stew was done and we filled our stomachs before cleaning up.

Everyone in class 1-A met up with Pixxie Bob for a game, more like training but they called it a game. The game was explained to us as class 1-B trying to scare us with their quirks as class 1-A left in pairs every 3 minutes and our goal is to collect a tag with our names on it.

We pulled numbers to determine our groups before the first group went in. About 12 minutes later my horns began to ring at a dangerous pitch and my nose picked up an odd scent.

Danger, and it was close by.

"Black smoke." I looked up to where everyone was looking and my eyes widened.

"Blue flames." My eyes widened and I was quick to sprout wings and fly up to get a better view.

"What do you see Nakano?" I looked down at Suto and I could tell she felt my nervousness.

"Blue flames, and they're not mine."

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