Chapter 42

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Shoto eventually decided to get something to drink well I continued to sit. I put my wings away and waited for him to come back.

"Here, I know your quirk can make you dehydrated." I took the water from Shoto and chugged half of it.

"Thanks, there's only 30 spots open, do you think everyone in our class can make it?" He nodded and stood up as Jiro, Momo, Tsuyu, and Shoji approached us.

"Good, I'm glad to see you two made it." I nodded at Momo and continued to drink my water.

"Have you seen the others?"

"No, so far we're the only ones here, we just arrived. We can't count them out, I thought Midoriya had everyone working together?"

"That was the plan, but someone from Ketsubutsu Academy split us up with his quirk." We lingered together and not much later Kaminari, Sero, Bakugo, Cathleen, Suto, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Midoriya joined us.

"10 spots left, there's nine people left from our class. It's gonna be tight." Suto nodded as she continued to eat the huge dumplings that were set out.

"What fancy moves did you two use?" Suto smirked and I came to realize, I didn't even know her quirk.

I knew Cathleen could change into different cats, both large and small, even extinct cats. But the only thing I knew about Suto's quirk is that it's physiologically based.

"Hey Suto, what's your quirk?" The tired ravenette looked over to me and swallowed her food.

"Simple explanation really, I make people see the thing the things that make them scared shitless. I can mutate into their fears too and make my own nightmarish things, and by tricking my mind into thinking I'm scared of a weapon I can create them as long as they stay attached to my body. For example I can't make a bow and arrow because they're not attached to my body. Fear makes people immobile so it was pretty useful for this exam." I nodded and she went back to eating.

"Are you able to see into anyone's fears?" She nodded and put her empty plate down.

"I can show you if you want, I know you didn't get to see it in action at the Sports Festival." I eagerly nodded and faced Suto.

I could slightly feel her riffling around my brain before my eye sight went dark and all I saw was myself, but I was 10. My horns were barely grown in and I was still in my dinosaur faze. I was crying as my dad crouched in front of me and kept telling me to stop lying. I tried to tell him what happened after the cops told him that they didn't find my moms body. They thought I was covering up something but I wasn't.

I wasn't scared of what was happening, I was scared of the fact I had begun to believe what they were telling me. I was covering up something bigger, I wasn't the good guy. I felt myself begin to shake and I was snapped out of the memory.

"Can I ask why that was the thing you're most scared of?"

"I was 10 when Shigiraki killed my mom, we used to friends believe it or not. The cops couldn't find her body because of his quirk and they told my dad I was covering something bigger up. What you saw was me giving into what they said and I begun to believe I was the bad guy. My biggest fear is letting people control what I am, and that's the root of my fear, that exact day and time started it all." I leaned forwards into my seat and put my chin on my hands.

My head perked up when the countdown of spots started. I held my breath and just hoped it was everyone from our class that took the final spots.

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