Chapter 17

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"Uraraka!" I watched as a blonde girl in a school uniform jumped away from Uraraka.

"Who was that girl just now?" I lingered behind Todoroki as we approached.

"One of the villains, she was crazy."

"Uraraka, you're hurt!" As Midoriya mentioned it everyone turned their attention to her.

"It's not bad, I can still walk okay. You're the one who looks terrible."

"We can't stand and talk, lets move." Midoriya told Tsu and Uraraka to join our group and to help protect Bakugo and I.

"If you're protecting Bakugo, shouldn't he be with you?" We looked behind us to see Bakugo wasn't anywhere in sight.

"That sneaky bastard got away, and he didn't take me?" Todoroki turned to me with a glare and I raised my hands in surrender.

"Sorry, joking."

"Nice trick, aye? I took lad you're talking about with my magic."

"You know, that's a really cringy way to say quirk, right?"

"I'm a magician young girl, and you're my next trick." The man in the yellow coat, white mask, and towering top hat tossed a blue marble in his red gloved hand.

"A talent like his would be squandered were he casted as a hero. We'll provide him with a grander stage where he can truly shine, and we'll provide you the same Miss. Nakano."

"Give him back!"

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone, he's his own person. Don't be so arrogant."

"We'll stop you!"

"Right now!" Todoroki stepped forwards and directed an ice attack at the magician.

The yellow coated man jumped off the tree branch holding his top hat on his head.

"Why the aggression? We merely what to show them there are options besides the fanatical world of heroism that they're drowning in." He landed in the bush of a tree and outstretched his arms dramatically.

"It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values after all."

"It's not just Bakugo!" We turned around for a slight moment to see Tokoyami was missing as well.

"If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken."

"A bad habit of mine, I was once an entertainer you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part."

"You bastard you can't take them!" Todoroki handed the 1-B boy over to Uraraka and sent a massive wave of ice at the villain.

Todoroki's right side became covered in frost and the temperature around us dropped drastically.

"Apologizes but alight of hand and escapology are my specialties, not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight hero candidates from UA. Van Guard Action Squad, I've acquired one of our targets and my little show has come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next 5 minutes for our final battle."

"They're going to take them, we need to get them back and keep Nakano safe." We began chasing after the escape artist through the forest to where we assume is the retrieval point where we would either win or lose.

"Uraraka, you have to make us float, then Atsui you launch us as far as you can using your tongue. Shoji you hold me, Todoroki and Nakano and use your quirk to correct our trajectory through the air. Measure the distance with your eyes Uraraka and then when the timing looks right release us."

"I see, human bullets."

"Sounds safe enough, I'm in!" I'm willing to do anything at this point.

"Wait, Deku you're still going to fight in your condition?" I turned to Uraraka completely annoyed by her with my currently short temper.

"Uraraka, I'm all here for being concerned about your friend, but this wouldn't be the first time he's fought like this and we all know he's not backing out now, so we need to know now if you're in on the plan or not!"

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