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mundus vult decipi

(The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived)


Jin wakes up with an arm wrapped around his waist while Jungkook softly snores against his nape. Jungkooks whole body is pressed against Jin from behind, and Jin believes there's no greater way to start a day than in the arms of his mate after a full night of lovemaking.

His own body feels sticky and uncomfortable, an indication for a desperately needed shower, but Jin just can't force himself to withdraw from Jungkook.

That's why he doesn't, not now at least. Instead, he turns around in the secured hold and barely suppresses a smile by biting his bottom lip.

Jungkook looks like an angel in the morning light. His eyelashes are long and his cheeks are still flushed, his lips are a darker shade due to all the kissing that happened the night before, and Jin leans forward to kiss them again, not minding the slight dryness.

It's a tender peck, but it lingers and Jin closes his eyes as a sigh escapes. As soon as he retreats himself again, the desire to return is almost overwhelming. He could definitely kiss Jungkook all day - and hug and watch and make love over and over again.

That's what Jungkook is doing to Jin - he causes all this madness inside him, for he must be crazy to be so much in love.

"I love you." Jin whispers and gently strokes his cheek, giggling because of the gaping mouth that greets him.

It's unbearably warm under the covers, and Jungkooks heat is only adding to it, but still, Jin feels the need to stay next to him forever. Because as soon as he leaves Jungkooks body, life goes on. It continues, it becomes real, and Jin will have to face Taehyungs realization he slept with Jungkook.

Not only that, Jungkooks reaction could be anything. He could be happy and relieved, he could get angry and leave Jin, or he could get possessive and start fights with Taehyung. The possibilities are endless, and Jin isn't sure if he's ready to live through it.

Yet, as much as he wants to, it's unavoidable. They will have to talk about it, Jin is sick of the tension that lingers in the room whenever Taehyung and Jungkook meet. With him alone, they are happy, but together they somehow become irresponsible.

That's it, Jin has decided. He won't allow Taehyung to be furious, nor will he allow Jungkook to see it any differently than it actually is - they love one another, and it can work if only they see each other as a team instead of rivals.

With a determined expression, Jin shuffles a little in order to place his lips on Jungkooks forehead. "I'll fix it for us." Jin says and strokes Jungkooks dark hair, "It's time to be happy."

His touch travels from Jungkooks nape down to his shoulders and eventually to his bare chest. There, Jin places his palm right above his heart and smiles. "I love you." he repeats softly and feels the beat increasing slightly.

After that, Jin grins and touches his own stomach, knowing that soon enough, his world will become a little brighter and stars will shine in joy.

Maybe the future won't be too bad.

Jin kisses Jungkooks lips one last time before sighing and carefully slipping out of his hold, stretching after standing up. His underwear still lays abandoned on the floor and Jin slips into it him before searching for comfortable clothes in Jungkooks closet.

Jungkook lies still asleep on the white covers as Jin sends him a smile with sparkling eyes, finding himself once again in a state filled with love and happiness. This boy honestly has only to do the bare minimum and Jin is already swooning over him like a lovestruck maniac.

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