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sancta simplicitas

(holy innocence)


Taehyung exits Jungkooks bedroom with an amused smile, never having thought his sweet and innocent Kitten could ever lowkey dominate Jungkook without batting a single eyelash. But then he remembers Seokjin desperately wanting to be fucked while in heat, and Taehyung realizes that he might not be as innocent as he originally assumed.

Sometimes Taehyung isn't sure if thinking of Seokjin that way is appropriate, seeing how inexperienced he is or how much he trusts Taehyung — the same guy who imagines bending him over the kitchen counter upon spotting Seokjin making pancakes.

But wanting someone you have feelings for isn't really the most immoral thing to do on earth. As long as both adults consent, Taehyung is free to take Seokjin, right?

Seeing him straddling Jungkook early that morning must have done something to Taehyung, because he feels much more attracted to Seokjin than before — which shouldn't be possible because he was already very, very desperate for him.

His perverted thoughts soon get interrupted by the soft "Tae." that Seokjin whispers, right after finding the Male by the entrance to the kitchen, staring at the Seokjin while leaning against the doorway. "Come."

Taehyungs eyebrows furrow in confusion at the word, but he soon sighs as he understands that Seokjin wants him to accompany cooking. So he wordlessly does, walking up to stand right beside him, glancing at the movements of Seokjin cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Where have you learnt to make pancakes?" Taehyung asks with a smile, deciding to be helpful and prepare other ingredients in the meantime.

At that, a fond grin makes it up to Seokjins lips as he whisks, adding butter and sugar. With the other hand that holds onto the bowl, he points at the television, making Taehyung understand that he probably watched a cooking show.

Taehyung hums comfortably and begins cutting some fruits, letting the additional sounds of whisking and chopping resound through the kitchen. And while his mind wanders, he reflects his life after Seokjin entered.

A light laugh mixes with his next exhale as he thinks of all the changes that happened. Before Seokjin, things were comfortable, but also kind of dull. A routine has inhabited and while Taehyung believes it's not bad as long as Jungkook is there, it's not quite what Taehyung describes as a fulfilling life.

Something was missing, something significant was needing for their relationship to develop. Taehyung and Jungkook were always on the edge of slipping into something less platonic and more romantic, but there was a resistance, hesitation, of which he couldn't get rid off.

And in addition, uncertainty plagues Taehyung, Is Jungkook really in love with him? In his defense, it's not that implausible, he still can't shake off those thoughts. For example — Jungkooks affection could only be based on Taehyung rescuing him when he was on the verge of dying. Some sort of hero-complex. Not very uncommon.

Maybe deep inside, Jungkook can't difference love from immense gratefulness, and that's why he hangs around Taehyung, believing that he has to pay him back in some way.

That can also apply for Seokjin, Taehyung registers as he gazes at him temporarily, heart pounding because of the others gentle smile. He helped Seokjin too, when he needed someone the most.

Could it be, that both respond with the same effect? That Seokjin subconsciously copies Jungkooks affection because he doesn't know how to show his thankfulness otherwise?

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