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Trigger warning for the next two chapters -
explicit description of violence, blood and death, attempt at rape, kidnapping, use of weapons such as guns and daggers


Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
(If I can not bend the will of Heaven, I shall move Hell.)


"Kook, your eyes!"

Yoongi and Namjoon share a gaze before exhaling in relief. Thank God, it worked. The sounds were creating an awkward atmosphere for too long.

It takes a few more minutes before they come stumbling out of the room and head straight to the bathroom, a new set of clothes in their hands. 

At least they still have the sense to hurry up after finishing.

"No one is going to expect for Jungkook to have the same powers." Namjoon says. "So when he's captured, he can actually take over and get us out."

"I'm glad you thought about that." Yoongi confirms and takes a slice from his pizza, "The more surprise on our side, the better."

Namjoon slurps on his soda. "Jisoo, are you sure your mother doesn't know you're going to help us? What if she sensed you the same way you sensed Jin?"

Jisoo hums around her own pizza, then swallows and responds "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I'm certein that she didn't sense me around the building. I cut off all links to her and use scent blocker. What do you think, Jae-Hyuk?"

The mentioned male is trapped on the chair with tape, being occasionally fed french fries. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of water through a straw. "I told you I'm not going to say anything."

"You could go back into the trunk?" Yoongi suggests playfully, to which Jae-Hyuk heaves a sigh and comtemplates to answer.

"Alright. I'll tell you if you never threaten me with the trunk again."

Yoongi chuckles "wasn't so comfortable, huh? What happened to 'you can kill me, and I will still not betray her.'"

The other scowls at him.

"We promise. No trunk for you anymore." Namjoon offers.

Jae-Hyuk switches his gaze between them some more, before sighing. "As far as I know, she doesn't know about you being alive. The hunter reported you as dead two years ago."

"Fantastic." Jisoo cheers and clicks her beer against Yoongis, taking a big gulp. "I'm gonna take revenge for my mate and that bitch won't even see it coming."

At this time, Jungkook and Taehyung come to join the table, having freshened up and changed into new clothes, happy to see food displayed.

"Finally you're done, we've been waiting for ages." Jisoo says and smirks, poking Jungkook a few times with her elbow after he takes a seat on the stool beside her, "How was it? Did you actually went all the way?"

"Shut up." he responds with a smile and inhales a pizza slice.

Taehyungs cheeks couldn't be more red, but he still hesitantly reaches for the food, being glad the attention isn't on him.

"Show us the eyes, Kook." Jisoo continues, getting closer to examine his iris, "Do you have it under control? Do you feel a difference in yourself?"

Jungkook nods a little and finishes swallowing, "I feel - I don't know - more powerful? Like I could take anyone up against a fight right now."

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