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Amantes sunt amentes

(lovers are lunatics)


Taehyung is the first to wake up in the morning, softly yawn and slowly opening eyes which become slightly glassy while rays of sunshine reflecting on them. His bedroom is enveloped in warm colors, a peaceful feeling that is suddenly overwhelming, neither unwelcome nor unwanted.

One of the first thoughts that is coursing through his mind, is the realization of just how long this night felt. It would give the perfect indication that he slept enough, just the right amount, to be certainly awake now. Though, Taehyung is sure, if he truly wanted to, he could convince his body to rest for another few hours. But that thought too passes as something, correction - someone - distracts him from thinking.

A tired smile spreads on Taehyungs soft lips as he feels the body before even seeing it. Nonetheless, his gaze wanders lower, finding the brown sprawled hair all across his chest, one leg thrown over Taehyungs thighs, breathing so softly and evenly that the younger Male could easily mistake Jin for a museum artefact, made to draw attention and amaze with the simplest act.

Instead of withdrawing, Taehyung finds himself leaning closer to wrap his arms tighter around the smaller frame of the Male he adores, only noticing that he is kissing Jins temple when his lips have lasted more than a second on the delicate and warm skin.

It surprises him that Jin doesn't instantly opens his eyes, because normally even the smallest movements is enough of a reason to jump up and scan the room for any possible dangers. Jin seems to be always alerted, but today he's sleeping tightly, and Taehyung would curse himself for interrupting it and denying the rest the boy obviously deserves.

So Taehyung decides to remain in the position for a while, not complaining about it in any way though, because who wouldn't be grateful for some lovely cuddles in the morning. A light chuckle leaves his lips at that thought, thinking of the softie he became for his roommates. Truly, both deserve all the good in the world and Taehyung is going to spend his lifetime trying to achieve exactly that.

When losing himself in his mind again, Taehyung let's his fingertips draw patterns on Jins sides, before his hand gently makes it's way under his shirt. It happens so naturally, instinctively even, Taehyung can't react properly after finally realizing it. Though, he decides to not retreat his hand again, instead, he continues, smiling when a small sound of contentment leaves Jins lips.

This night, this morning and probably the rest of the day too, feels different. It's difficult for Taehyung to explain this, but something has fallen into it's place. It's the same feeling that someone gets, when finishing a puzzle, or beginning eagerly a new one. Taehyung feels encouraged for something he doesn't even understand, and he surely feels like he's on the right path of his life, as if the stars aligned and decided that this is where he is suppose to be, or maybe, this is whom he is suppose to be with.

His fond gaze travels back to Jin, and coos at the adorableness the other grants in his sleep. His eyelashes are not too long, but long enough for every human to cry in jealousy at how perfectly they add their part to his beauty. Once Taehyung heard someone describing the adjective 'aesthetic' as "pleasant to look at" and if that is not the same boy that is currently strengthening his death grip on him, then Taehyung doubts to find anything in this world that would ever come this near to it.

Complete. That is the word Taehyung was searching for - utterly complete and content and settled. If only Jungkook was here too, lying in the same bed as them and cuddle to the other side, then life would be throughoutly optimal. Taehyung smiles at the idea of him joining this small space of happiness, but at a second thought, Taehyung asks himself why he feels like this out of a sudden. It is true that he is patient and composed, but he never felt this - this good in his entire life.

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