572 56 187

Semper ad Meliora

(always onward toward better things)


Jungkook stays at the gym until the very last minute before it has to close, ending his immensely exhausting working session in which he lets out all the frustrations that were building up over the day.

At ten PM, the workers hesitantly tell him that they are closing, and Jungkook only nods while panting.

A suffocating feeling spreads in his chest with the thought of confronting Taehyung. Everything would be so much easier, if only the love for Taehyung wasn't as powerful.

Cursing under his breath, Jungkook showers there and heads back home, noticing on his way that he's the only one who is left in the gym.

Some time later, Jungkook arrives at their apartment, stepping into darkened surroundings as he slips out of his clothes and throws his sweaty garments into the basket next to the laundry room.

He tries to be as quiet as possible when walking by the livingroom, hearing the sound of a movie playing.

There, Jungkook exhales slowly at the sight, looking at Taehyung and Jin being all cuddled up as a series plays on the television.

But the other two males aren't paying attention to it, being too invested in sharing body heat with their eyes closed and breathing even.

Taehyung lies on his back with an arm behind his head, while Jin is practically on top of him with a hand holding onto his waist securely.

The light of the television illuminates both of their attractive features, and long lashes are placing a slight shadow underneath their eyes. The sight is something to behold, truly.

And Jungkook must admit, when Jin is sleeping, he doesn't even look that bad, cute even in some way. But as quick as this thought comes, Jungkook shakes his head to get rid of it, deciding not to think more of that.

Instead, he walks over to a small lamp, before returning to turn the television off. Shortly after that, he collects the sprawled snacks and stuffs them back into the cupboards of the kitchen, cleaning the surroundings as silently as he can. When one of the bags makes a louder sound, Jin stirs slightly above Taehyung, but nuzzles back without awaking, his hand now on Taehyungs chest.

Jungkook returns to them after having done the necessary, contemplating if he should let them sleep on the couch or wake up so they can go to bed. Eventually, he decides to do the latter in prevention of back pain.

But just as he is about to softly talk them awake, the sight becomes too peaceful for Jungkook to proceed. He doesn't have the heart to disrupt them, and so he curses, thinking that they should take some rest here.

Actually, Jungkook thought he would become jealous and possessive over Taehyung once he finds him cuddling with another Male, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, he finds himself feeling glad how comfortable Taehyung looks, though Jungkook can't deny the bitter feeling of knowing that this isn't because of him.

Several seconds later without continuing what he planned to do, Jungkook lowers his body in front of the couch to examine Taehyungs face closely, lovingly brushing a strand of hair away from his eyes.

A smile forms on his lips because of Taehyungs cute pout, begging Jungkook to be kissed again to which the younger Male would love to comply instantly.

But without consent, Jungkook isn't going to do anything, especially not in his sleep. Jungkook might have an attitude, but he's not a bad person.

With a smile, Jungkook leans closer and kisses his forehead instead, lingering as he savors the touch.

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