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Amor est pretiosior auro

(love is more precious than gold)


Jungkook loves powerfully, his whole being never allows anyone to think less of what boundaries he's ready to cross just for the man he loves. He would find a way to boil oceans, shake earth, fight heaven and raise hell if that's what Taehyung wants, if that's what let's him return the overwhelming, devastating, consuming and intoxicating feeling of love.

Taehyung loves differently, wicked in some ways. His love doesn't extend, it falls deeply into the blackness of an abyss, too far for someone to witness where it ends and what waits for it there. Taehyungs heart is pure, his kindness is genuine, but when it comes to love, there is a dark and sinister touch to it. He loves possessiveness, loves to see how much he can push and get in return. He loves to claim, be claimed, and treated highly - being worshipped in a good way, at least that's what he assumes.

But sometimes, it's frightening.

Jin has seen and felt it the moment the first touch between them all happened. When he looked into Taehyungs intrigued eyes as he offered him food in his cat form, Jin could clearly seen it - the dark glint.

But it wasn't dark in the meaning of cruel, of being scared of, it was something captivating, lulling Jin into a warm feeling despite getting a cold shiver down his spine too. Something about Taehyung is dangerous, and Jin's excited to explore the meaning behind it.

Jungkook, though, is softening Jins heart. He's still childish in his own way, slamming doors when he is upset, teasing and provoking, only to laugh brightly afterwards. Jin has never felt this intense need to protect someone ever before, never felt like he would break this easily because of unrequited love.

Despite the obvious differences of their characters, Jin has found himself to be bonded to both, which isn't an unusual situation in his nature. He feels attracted to both -

- to Jungkooks passion, his determination to fight and be a warrior if he has to be

- and to Taehyungs seduction, his talent to whisper his words like a devil, forcing Jin to surrender without much resistance.

Without showing it at first, Jin was careful around Taehyung and less alerted around Jungkook. While Jungkook is like an open book - basically screaming that he wants to be held tight, told that he is still loved and always will be - Taehyung, on the other hand, is secretive, mysterious and concerningly composed at all time. It's always the silent and observing ones, that get underestimated quickly.

But. Wait. Where does it leave Jin?

He has never thought about this, never having the time nor the situation to think over this question. Love has never made an appearance in his life, never has he felt affection towards someone except for his best friend, the one with whom this whole journey started, the reason of his stay inside this cage called earth.

The beginning of it all.

In the past, and technically right now too, Jin was a prince, born into a privileged kingdom of his father, the second son who had his faith planned even before being born. His mother, despite as beautiful she is on the outside, sold him to another kingdom, away to marry the son and become his bride.

Of course he wasn't asked, nor did Jin even thought about complaining, because that's how things were. It was a norm to not marry out of love, but to beneficial outcomes. He has never experienced anything else, love didn't even have a meaning, it wasn't a common word in their world.

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