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Nemo saltat sobrius

(nobody dances sober)


"But not today." Taehyung adds rushily, intentionally being considerate with his choice of words. It doesn't take long for Jin to comprehend them and still all movements, looking at the other with a perplexed expression as he whispers "huh?"

It seems like this has done the trick to the alien, because face falls mmediately. Yet, Taehyung is quick to reassure as he gently turns his hand in Jins hold and caresses his knuckles, "You're still in heat - for a week, right?"

Despite the obvious confusion and devastation, Jin nods, not even caring the slightest about that heat but instead focusing more on Taehyungs lips that meet the back of his hand.

"We can wait." Taehyung says with a smile, loving the glimmering violet eyes that seem to only shine for him. "I'd hate to take advantage of you in that state, and I can't know if this is your heat talking. So please, wait until this week is over. When you don't want to be with me after that, that's absolutely fine. I promise you, nothing will ever change between us."

And to be honest, Jin does't know how to react to that. Taehyungs words are genuine and honest, he really means everything he says and Jin could cry out of frustration, because he really has to be this considerate.

He decides to hate this, Jin wants nothing more but to grab this opportunity, something he has always waited for, something he has always wanted to need, and here is Taehyung now - asking him to wait more. A whole week, to be exact.

Jin is about to shake his head, cry that he can't, that they are there - in the perfect moment with both bodies clearly desperate - so why do they need to restrain themselves? Obviously, Jin knows why, but he does't want to awknowledg any of it, he just wants Taehyung. Is it that hard to understand?

Before he can display his disagreement, Jin is suddenly interrupted by Taehyung, who intertwines their hands as he looks down on them with a smile, saying softly "but if you still want to, I'd like to try something with you. Whatever you choose, kitten. Nothing could ever negatively influence this friendship between us."

As soon as Taehyung stops filling the silence with his smoothly deep voice, Jin awakes from his trance and feels the tingles in his stomach reappearing.

Jin knows that there is no other choice, he has to respect Taehyungs condition - not only to get what he wants, but also because Jin would do anything for his mate. This is no longer only about him, this bond is about the two of them, and if Jin wants it to strengthen, he has to learn to be patient.

Yet, it does nothing to quiet screaming of his needy body, which is begging to be touched by those firm hands - something that is mostly the cause of the mating time he has found himself to be in.

And so, Jin nods with a smile, but he has learned how deals are happening here. Nothing ever happens without conditions, and he has seen Jungkook, who gladly takes advantage of that. Why should Jin not just do it too? He can try, and so he does.

With a spreading smile, he sits up to hold eye contact as he feels his heart pounding in his chest, allowing him to whisper with the little courage that is left, a small and vulnerable "kiss".

Taehyungs eyes widen instantly at that, his gaze flickers to the Jins pouty lips, and he swears he could die just at the thought of actually doing it.

It could be, that he forgot to breath for a second, because when Jin asks "Tae?", said male intakes a sharp breath.

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