466 51 132

Ecce homo

(behold the man)


If Jungkook has to describe himself in one word, it would definitely be impulsive.

If he has to describe himself in two, it would be impulsively stupid.

And he's sure anyone, who knows him, would agree to that.

But how does he come to this conclusion? Well, it's maybe with the help of some self pity while he remains in the same lying position for hours, the one in which Seokjin left him to fuck Taehyung.

Jungkook doesn't think about decisions twice, he goes with what his instincts tell him. Storm out of the room in the middle of the argument? Already out before he can finish that sentence.

Kiss some strangers after witnessing the love of his life kissing someone else? Already at it. Multiplying even the partners.

Rubbing the bulge in his pants when Seokjin releases a long and drawn out moan from the bathroom? Here we fucking go.

He promised himself not to do it, because he will regret it as soon as he finishes. But Taehyung just has to groan out loud too, and Jungkook is so, so weak for his deep voice.

The apartment is not that big, the hallway is pretty tiny to be honest, and Taehyungs room is right beside his. So why would they think he couldn't hear them? Why would they be such dicks and let Jungkook witness everything? As if they rub it into his face.

Jungkook sighs hard and withdraws his hand from his crotch again, cringing at himself for ever giving into his desires. They probably just don't care anyway, it doesn't matter if Jungkook hears them or not - it wouldn't change anything.

It's a funny thought now, how Jungkook wanted for Taehyung to be his first. In the past, the younger never had the opportunity for romantic relationships, too busy on the streets stitching up his own wounds in hopes they won't get infected. So no, he never slept with anyone - never wanted to.

That is until Taehyung entered his life with that stupid boxy smile. Jungkook swore, as his feelings grew, he was the right one to do this with.

And the closer they became, the more Jungkook convinced himself this could be a possibility. Taehyung was making out with him, clearly not unaffected by the close proximity as he got hard pretty quickly. There was so much hope and confidence, Jungkook knew he was on the right path.

Yet, look at him now. A bitter chuckle escapes Jungkook while he stares at the ceiling, gaze becoming hollow. Look at how pathetic he lies there while the same man he dreamed of currently does it with Jin in the shower.

Is he even a good top? Does he give it to Jin hard at least? Because Jungkook would. Even when he doesn't have much experience, he still would hold them down as he pounds into them, preferably into one while the other is forced to watch. It doesn't matter who, both deserve it.

Taehyung is probably not feeling entirely satisfied, because being a switch must be difficult to crave both - to give and to receive. To fill and to be filled. To fuck and, well, the next part is not going to happen anyway.

And Jin, oh Jin is probably living his best life now, knowing he snatched Taehyung right when Jungkook almost had him. He's better treasuring this experience - appreciating all of Taehyungs kisses, touches and thrusts - because Jungkook would absolutely lose it if not.

When some sweet giggles chime, Jungkook rolls his eyes as he questions what they are probably doing that is so god damn funny. Maybe it's the kisses Taehyung would trail over Jins sensitive spots, or his eagerness that causes him to be clumsy.

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